Friday, May 15, 2020
Essay When Souls Intertwine - 1641 Words
When Souls Intertwine â€Å"The man who is to be happy will therefore need virtuous friends†(Aristotle 4). Aristotle is saying that in order for someone to be happy you must have not only friends, but virtuous friends. Virtuous friends are your true friends. What is true friendship? How do you know when someone is not only your friend, but your true friend? Some may say that a true friend is loyal, honest, and cares for you, someone who would die for you. Some may agree with Aristotles view of friendship. He classifies friendship into three categories: friendship for utility, pleasure, or virtue. Aristotle says a virtuous friendship is when you wish good things for†¦show more content†¦What is the core of a person? The core of a person can be explained as their deepest beliefs, values, and a sense of what is important. If these are not similar then the friendship will result in fights over what things are worth because of a differ ent understanding of what is owed to each person. With good friends, you know them well enough to not even have to judge them. A virtuous friend knows what to do without even thinking, therefore virtuous friendships are ones in which the people involved act based on what they know is good for the other person. Because they continuously choose the right thing, a virtuous person has consistency. With a virtuous friend, you know what that consistency is and you like it. This leads us to the question must a person be self-sufficient in order to have a true friendship? To be self-sufficient is to be able to rely totally on yourself and know yourself intimately. â€Å"For men say that one ought to love best ones best friend, and mans best friend is one who wishes well to the object of his wish for his sake, even if no one is to know of it; and these attributes are found most of all in a mans attitude towards himself†(Aristotle 1). Aristotle says that your best friend is the one that you love the best, therefore your best friend is yourself. Once you love yourself, you can then expand to love other people asShow MoreRelatedUnder625 Words  | 3 Pageswhats going on above me Id only be called upon for important things and when things get out of hand I have friends Just like me to help me I am so necessary but sometimes overused and rarely abused I never say much but I emphasize everything Underline If I were anything I wish I would be an underline Id lie around all day a spy on whats going on above me Id only be called upon for important things and when things get out of hand I have friends Just like me to help me I amRead More The Mystery of Edgar Allan Poe Essay1499 Words  | 6 PagesPoe, the common belief was that poetry should be about Truth, and that it should impart some morals. Poe disagreed, and strongly felt that poetry was not at all about passing along the Truth. Poetry should be about Beauty, and the excitement of the soul. For Poe, the truth was far too harsh to be included in poetry. 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