Friday, August 28, 2020
CV Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 6
CV - Essay Example I presently realize that design is the thing that I was destined to do, and I will seek after this objective any place it takes me. My instructive accomplishments, alongside extracurricular exercises, demonstrate that I am a dedicated and persevering individual in all parts of my life. I had the benefit of learning at Kingston University in London because of the liberality of the Saudi Arabian government, which gave me a full grant. During my preparation encounters, I had the option to coexist with my associates and figure out how to fit into a group. The particular exercises that I had the chance to perform incorporate model creation and outlining. At the point when I got preparing at Retaj Consulting and Engineering the previous summer, I interned in the compositional division. If you don't mind allude to my resume for more data and don't spare a moment to get in touch with me if there is whatever you might want to examine with me. Much obliged to you for setting aside the effort to consider my application and I anticipate hearing your reaction
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Isolation in Faulkners Light in August Essay -- Light August Essays
 Isolation in Light In Augustâ â In William Faulkner’s Light In August, most characters appear to be detached from one another and from society. It is regularly contended that Lena Grove is a special case to this, yet I have discovered that I can't concur with this view. Subsequently, this article will show that Lena is forlorn as well, and that the message in Faulkner’s chip away at the issue of human contact is that everybody is basically alone, either by intentional downturn from organization or by automatic prohibition, and the main departure from this dejection is to have a legitimate family to comfort you. As a kid, Lena was automatically detached from a general public she needed to be a piece of. We are informed that â€Å"six or eight times each year she got down to business on Saturday†(p. 5), which clearly was insufficient for her. â€Å"It was on the grounds that she accepted that the individuals who saw her and whom she passed by walking would accept that she lived around too†(p. 5). Lena had a should be a piece of society and join the positions of standard individuals in a customary town, which apparently incorporates wedding and beginning a family. Living with McKinley in a distant plant villa kept on keeping Lena segregated, and this condition was additionally exasperated by the way that she was kept occupied with housework a significant part of the time. Truly, housekeeping for a huge family is one sort of network, yet it isn't the thoughtful that Lena needs. She would prefer to have her very own group than care for somebody else’s, thus she looks for affection as Lucas Burch. Shockingly, Burch wouldn't like to begin a family. He just uses Lena for his own pleasure, and when she educates him concerning the pregnancy, he leaves town (p. 16-17). Lena takes off on a mission to rejoin herself with her would-be hu... ...g the general public she cherishes. At the point when she no longer has any expectation of assembling her family the manner in which she figures it ought to be, she can no longer face society since she will never fit in. Regardless of whether she wedded Bunch, he would at present not be her child’s father, which would make their family an irregularity. Lena has transformed into a willful pariah, hauling Byron Bunch around to assist her with running her day by day life however never letting him get cozy, never truly making him a piece of her life. Subsequent to being constrained into segregation from society for the greater part of her life, Lena has now decided to stay disengaged. She is similarly as alone as some other character in Light in August. The end I definitely reach is that Faulkner needed to depict family as a definitive unit of society. Without a family, you can't fit into society, and on the off chance that you don't fit into society, you are basically alone. Â
Friday, August 21, 2020
Officers and Inmates in The Green Mile Essay Example For Students
Officials and Inmates in The Green Mile Essay The Green Mile is about a man named Paul who filled in as a jail official and had the troublesome activity of regulating the men living waiting for capital punishment. Throughout the mid year of 1935, Pauls life changed always after detainee named, John Coffey was put under his watchman. John had forces to recuperate and revive individuals and creatures. He was waiting for capital punishment for a wrongdoing that he didn't submit, later gathering the man, Wild Bill, who was to blame for it. John uncovers his forces to Paul and the other jail officials, making John live longer then what he should in light of the fact that he was given some of Johns powers. The film finishes by Paul constraining himself to execute John and living his days outlasting everybody accepting that God was rebuffing him for having John executed. All through The Green Mile I saw numerous issues that identify with what was found out in class, for example, capital punishment, tact, comparable cop stresses, adjustments, provisional work framework, prize and discipline, and the craziness protection being utilized. During this film there were 3 hot seat executions. I got the chance to see the pressure it put on the officials and the prisoners. The main man who got execution had a feeling of disappointment, needing to return to where he was the most glad. The U. S. Preeminent Court concluded that death penalty doesn't disregard the eighth corrections restriction of remorseless and irregular disciplines. Subsequent to watching this film and seeing individuals hang tight to get execution and the planning is an incredibly remorseless discipline. Readiness during an electric shock incorporates officials practicing the execution, the detainee seeing his/her family once and for all, shaving the highest point of the detainees hair, the prisoner having a selection of his/hers last supper, the prisoner getting lashed and their face secured and their final words. A ton of this leads Paul into extraordinary pressure particularly when it was Johns turn for execution. This type of pressure is called Organizational pressure. During The Green Mile, I saw a great deal of circumspection between the officials and the detainees. One of the prisoners was permitted to deal with a mouse in which he most likely wasnt permitted to have in his cell as a pet. Some other time I saw circumspection was when Paul gave John corncake. There was a great deal of circumspection between the officials since when an official utilized savagery towards one of the prisoners, different officials didnt go to a more significant position authority. Rather they managed the circumstance between themselves. Prize and discipline was additionally utilized during the film on a prisoner named Wild Bill. He was being insane raising a ruckus between different detainees and the officials. They put him into a Padded cell in a restraint as discipline. In the wake of doing this multiple times they utilized not going into the cushioned cell with a restraint as a prize for acting great. At last, I saw rectifications and a provisional work framework during the film. During the main scene they demonstrated detainees in a line doing work. They were encircled with a lot of officials with enormous weapons. The prisoners were singing melodies which made me consider bondage. The detainees are compelled to work for enough nourishment and dress to endure simply like during subjection. I thought this was unreasonable to treat detainees like that particularly since a large portion of the prisoners in jail are in there for self-hurt violations.
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
What Pros Are Saying About Personal Essay Samples Middle School and What It Means For You
What Pros Are Saying About Personal Essay Samples Middle School and What It Means For You There are a few great topics to take into account when picking a topic for your argumentative essay. Bear in mind that a thesis statement for a persuasive essay needs to have a claim that could be disputed by other people. Writing an argumentative essay can at times be confusing as you don't necessarily understand how to compose a convincing argument. Writing a persuasive, argumentative essay can be challenging, and at times it can find a little confusing. Example E-learning is fantastic for students isn't a particular thesis statement and thus it is weak. Another last component is having the ability to draw out the advantages and disadvantages of the opposition and disprove their argument. To compose a middle school essay outline step one is to recognize the kind of essay you want to write. As an example, let's say you select the very first topic from our list. Definitions of Personal Essay Samples Middle School There's, obviously, a limit on the variety of pages even our very best writers can produce with a pressing deadline, but usually, we figure out how to satisfy all the clients seeking urgent assistance. If you locate a particular moment (anywhere from 1 minute to a month) and share a thorough picture, you will get a distinctive topic. The past few sentences ought to be extremely clear and have an enduring image on your audience. It's very stressful once you want to compose a great deal of papers and have only a couple of days for them. The question we're attempting to cover within this essay is whether students ought to be permitted to use wise phones in their schools. There's a great deal of work which goes into crafting a great essay. So, in a brief story, you make a setting and characters and circumstances that show or reveal that, for example, a woman named Mary is experiencing profound isolation and loneliness within her role for a farmer's wife. In the same way, the family that hid Anne almost experienced many modifications, although they were Christians. Also, enable the minute you choose reveal your nature and character. Quite often, individuals may say that war does not really change children's lives, particularly if they aren't living close to the war, or if their family isn't directly affected by it. Sharing a hard time or moment in your life doesn't make you appear weak. Some people today think I'm not making the correct face. Choose from popular topics that they are passionate about. You may be rich but if you've got an awful personality people won't wish to be associated with you. If you get a nice and warm personality, individuals will be attracted to you and won't mind spending time with you. A Startling Fact about Personal Essay Samples Middle School Uncovered Afterwards, you must explain the explanations for which you support that side. You should first choose a good topic with an argument, credible information to back up your viewpoint, a good stance on your side, and a superb counter-argument that will help you sound less biased. Determine the least frequent channel and own it. You should make sure you keep on that 1 side during your whole essay. As a result, if you're fighting to compose a thesis statement for a persuasive essay and you would love to understand how to compose a thesis statement for a persuasive essay, keep in mind your thesis may include personal views and perceptions towards the subject. The Personal Essay is a distinctive genre which you will likely simply have to write once or, at most, twice in your whole life. Training to compose essays on various topics is going to be the ideal preparation to the exam. In spite of the well-accepted belief, year-round schooling does not have any constructive effect on education. In the same way, children wouldn't be in a position to go to most summer camps. In the end, teachers have to be paid for all of the weeks they're working. Intended for middle school.
Friday, May 15, 2020
Essay When Souls Intertwine - 1641 Words
When Souls Intertwine â€Å"The man who is to be happy will therefore need virtuous friends†(Aristotle 4). Aristotle is saying that in order for someone to be happy you must have not only friends, but virtuous friends. Virtuous friends are your true friends. What is true friendship? How do you know when someone is not only your friend, but your true friend? Some may say that a true friend is loyal, honest, and cares for you, someone who would die for you. Some may agree with Aristotles view of friendship. He classifies friendship into three categories: friendship for utility, pleasure, or virtue. Aristotle says a virtuous friendship is when you wish good things for†¦show more content†¦What is the core of a person? The core of a person can be explained as their deepest beliefs, values, and a sense of what is important. If these are not similar then the friendship will result in fights over what things are worth because of a differ ent understanding of what is owed to each person. With good friends, you know them well enough to not even have to judge them. A virtuous friend knows what to do without even thinking, therefore virtuous friendships are ones in which the people involved act based on what they know is good for the other person. Because they continuously choose the right thing, a virtuous person has consistency. With a virtuous friend, you know what that consistency is and you like it. This leads us to the question must a person be self-sufficient in order to have a true friendship? To be self-sufficient is to be able to rely totally on yourself and know yourself intimately. â€Å"For men say that one ought to love best ones best friend, and mans best friend is one who wishes well to the object of his wish for his sake, even if no one is to know of it; and these attributes are found most of all in a mans attitude towards himself†(Aristotle 1). Aristotle says that your best friend is the one that you love the best, therefore your best friend is yourself. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Modernism and Postmodernism in Shakespeares Othello Essay
Othello teaches us much about our current postmodern culture. The play connects to our ideas of sexism, male-bonding, racism and capitalism. Shakespeare uses these universal and timeless flaws in humanity along with our use of language and truth to tell his tale. Iago, over a period of about three days, uses these facets of humanity to turn Othello against his wife Desdemona and his friend Cassio. Othello reveals both the struggle of the British people of the early 1600s and Americans in the late 1900s with sexism, capitalism and racism. In Othello men see women as objects to control, first by their father, and then by their husband. When Iago yells to Brabantio, telling him his daughter has gone off to marry Othello, he yells†¦show more content†¦Othello believes Iago to be Full of love and honesty (Othello III.iii.118), because they have bonded. Othello has also bonded with Cassio. He tells Cassio that I love thee (Othello II.iii.248). Iago uses their bonding to his advantage. I humbly do beseech you of your pardon / For too much loving you. (Othello III.iii.212-213) he uses his feigned love for Othello to build a bond of trust between them. Othello has also bonded with Cassio. He tells Cassio that I love thee (Othello II.iii.248). Male-bonding is the foundation of all male-male relationships in Othello. The bonding supercedes all other relationships in Othello, representing the importance of male-bonding in England during the 1600s. Othello also reflects the disdain the British had toward foreigners. Iago calls Cassio A Florentine (Othello I.ii.20), making an issue out of his foreign background and attributing the traits that the stereotype brings. When Iago is getting Cassio drunk, he refers to the drinking habits of several other ethnic groups and the superiority of the English in out drinking all of them. Iago claims It is true, or else I am a Turk (Othello II.i.114), he associates dishonesty, a negative trait he possesses, to a foreign race. Shakespeare depicts the institutionalized and widespread racism of this time. It is so pervasive that it enters every facet of life, and people do not even feel ashamed to use it;Show MoreRelatedAmerican Literature11652 Words  | 47 Pagesthrough Time To find out more about a particular literature time period, click on the links below: ï‚ · ï‚ · ï‚ · ï‚ · ï‚ · ï‚ · ï‚ · ï‚ · ï‚ · ï‚ · Puritan Times Rationalism/Age of Enlightenment American Renaissance/Romanticism Gothic Realism Naturalism Modernism Harlem Renaissance Postmodernism Contemporary Puritan Times period of American Literature - 1650-1750 Content: ï‚ · ï‚ · ï‚ · errand into the wilderness be a city upon a hill Christian utopia Genre/Style: ï‚ · ï‚ · ï‚ · ï‚ · ï‚ · sermons, diaries personal narratives captivity
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Ballads Of Today Essay Example For Students
Ballads Of Today Essay Uncle Sams song, I Dont Ever Wanna See You Again is a song about a guy who gets his heart broken by his girlfriend. In this song Uncle Sam is singing directly to a girl who was once the love of his life. He tells her that he never wants to see her again because she was a secret lover of his best friend. This song is a lot like a ballad in many ways. It uses a refrain, which is called the chorus in the lyrics. The line, I dont ever wanna see you again, is used repeatedly through out the song. Lines two and four rhyme, which is the basic format for the quatrains. It is about disappointed love and jealousy which most early ballads were written about. I Dont Ever Wanna See You Again was written to be sung like all other ballads. The French word for ballad once meant dance so people probably once danced to the rhythm of the ballads. In as many ways as it is like a ballad, there are just as many ways that it is not. I In this song there are no quatrains with eight syllables in the first and third line, and six syllables in the second and fourth. This example shows the quatrains as having six syllables in the first and third lines and five syllables in the second and fourth lines. It took me a minute, To wake up and see. What the love of my life, Was doing to me. This song does not use a narrative format because of its use of I and Me. All of the ballads we have read were told in third person. It uses no incremental repetition. The song also has parts of it where as it is not in the quatrain form, where it is only a group two lines that rhyme. At the end of this song there is a part where Uncle Sam stops singing and starts talking to the girl. In this part there is no kind of structural format. Ballads were stuck with the same format through out the whole thing. This is another reason why it is dissimilar than a ballad.
Tuesday, April 14, 2020
Brain and behavior free essay sample
The temporal lobe is a region of the cerebral cortex that is located beneath the lateral fissure on both cerebral hemispheres of the mammalian brain. The temporal lobes are involved in the retention of visual memories, processing sensory input, comprehending language, storing new memories, emotion, and deriving meaning. The frontal lobe is an area in the brain of mammals, located at the front of each cerebral hemisphere and positioned anterior to (in front of) the parietal lobe and superior and anterior to the temporal lobes. It is separated from the parietal lobe by a space between tissues called the central sulcus, and from the temporal lobe by a deep fold called the lateral (Sylvain) sulcus. The frontal lobe contains most of the dopamine-sensitive neurons in the cerebral cortex. The dopamine system is associated with reward, attention, short-term memory tasks, planning, and motivation. Dopamine tends to limit and select sensory information arriving from the thalamus to the fore-brain. We will write a custom essay sample on Brain and behavior or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page One of the main differences between the frontal lobe and temporal lobe is each section’s position within the brain. The frontal lobe consists of two sub-sections and is located in the front of the brain just behind the forehead, while the temporal lobe is found below the frontal lobe. The remaining brain lobes, the parietal and occipital lobes, are located behind the frontal and temporal lobes. Although both the frontal lobe and temporal lobe are responsible for memory, they each provide different specific memory functions. The frontal lobe controls short-term memory, as well as planning and concentration. For example, this portion of the brain is at work when a person is making a schedule or recalling specific tasks that need to be completed for the day. The temporal lobe also contributes to memory, but it tends to assist a person in recalling long-term memories, particularly those memories triggered by senses, such as hearing music. Another key difference between the frontal lobe and temporal lobe is how they deal with processing language. Each of these lobes has a subsection within it that handles language and if either of the areas become damaged, it can result in severe speech and language difficulties. An area within the temporal lobe known as Wernicke’s area is responsible for comprehending words and sounds; therefore, when this area is damaged, a person may make sounds that are not actual words but may be unaware of the mistakes since his or her brain cannot differentiate between words and other sounds. Boca’s area is located within the left frontal lobe and its main function is producing the physical acts of speaking. Damage to Boca’s area may cause difficulties in a person being able to physically speak, but he or she generally still understands the speech of others. Because of its location in the anterior part of the head, the frontal lobe is arguably more susceptible to injuries. Following a frontal lobe injury, an individual’s abilities to make good choices and recognize consequences are often impaired. Memory impairment is another common effect associated with frontal lobe injuries, but this effect is less documented and may or may not be the result of flawed testing. Damage to the frontal lobe can cause increased irritability, which may include a change in mood and an inability to regulate behavior. Particularly, an injury of the frontal lobe could lead to deficits in executive function, such as anticipation, goal selection, planning, initiation, sequencing, monitoring (detecting errors), and self-correction (initiating novel responses). Researchers have found eight major symptoms associated with damage to the temporal lobe and they are problems with auditory sensation and perception, difficulty attending to auditory and visual stimuli, visual perception disorders, problems organizing and categorizing verbal materials, language comprehension problems, impaired long-term memory, changes in affective behavior and personality, and changes in sexual behavior. The location of the damage to the temporal lobe is linked to the type of impairment the individual experiences. For example, damage to the left temporal lobe can result in difficulty recognizing words while damage to the right temporal lobe can result in a lack on inhibition when talking. In conclusion these lobes are very important to our brain and have many uses. They also have defects when damaged so we need to take care of our brain like if it were gold.
Thursday, March 12, 2020
Work Stress Costly
Work Stress Costly ?Work Stress is Costly and Creates High Employee Turnover? Summer 2001 Introduction Stress at work has become a serious health and economic burden in the U.S. Today?s workers are concerned about losing their job to downsizing, layoffs, mergers, and bankruptcies that have become common in the U.S. in recent years. Workers now have to work harder and are doing unfamiliar tasks. Adding to the pressures are new bosses, changing technology, electric surveillance equipment and a changing work force. Organizational managers are interested in maintaining a lower level of job stress for good reasons: high levels of stress can result in low productivity, increased absenteeism and turnover (Carrell, Elbert, Hatfield, 2000). Balancing a heavy workload with family responsibilities often results in high stress levels, poor coping, and insufficient time and energy for interacting with the important people in our lives (Farren 1999).Job Market The unemployment rate is the lowest in 30 years, 4.5%Eng lish: John Howard, director of the National Ins...or less, since April 1998. The unemployment rate is projected to continue to be low through the next 10 years. People are changing jobs in record numbers; a fact that is refueling the highest turnover rate in 20 years. The typical American worker holds nearly 9 different jobs before the age of 32. It is estimated that women will be 47.5% of the work force by 2008, up from 1998 levels of 46.3%. Men in the work force will decrease from 53.7% in 1998 to 52.5% by the year 2008 (BLS 2001).Information about Stress The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) is the federal agency responsible for conducting research on psychological aspects of occupational safety and health, including stress at work. NIOSH defines job stress as ?Harmful physical and emotional responses that occur when the requirements of the job do not match the capabilities,
Monday, February 24, 2020
Globalization and HRM Strategies Research Paper
Globalization and HRM Strategies - Research Paper Example Size A typical Wal-Mart store covers almost 108,000 square feet of space. The size of Wal-Mart supercentre can be almost 185,000 square feet, and a usual neighborhood market of Wal-Mart can be almost 42,000 square feet. The size of Wal-Mart express stores is average 15,000 square feet. In the year 2011, the total selling area of Wal-Mart was more than 617 million square feet and has continued to increase (Wal-Mart Stores, 2011; Wal-Mart Stores, 2011). Location Wal-Mart had established retail stores in several locations of the world by diverse styles and setups, which can fulfill the requirement of customers. Presently, the company is regarded as one of the fastest growing multinational corporations (MNCs) with 5366 stores across 27 countries outside the USA (Wal-Mart Stores, 2011). Number of Employees Wal-Mart is considered as one of the largest private establishments in terms of employment in the USA, Canada and Mexico. In global perspective, Wal-Mart employs almost 2.1 million peop le and the USA alone comprised 1.4 million in the year 2011 (Wal-Mart Stores, 2011). 2.0 Impact of Globalization on Human Resource Management (HRM) Globalization has huge impact on the performance of Wal-Mart. Due to globalization Wal-Mart had lowered their products pricing in order to compete with other retail companies. The major competitors of Wal-Mart in the international market are Carrefour, Metro Group and Tesco Plc among others which led Wal-Mart to reduce the operational cost of business. Aggressive cost cuts in the products is a significant impact of globalization for Wal-Mart which had also raised several human resource management concerns against the company such as low wages of employees and lack of health benefits among others (Masters, 2004). Cultural Impact on HRM Globalization has provided MNCs the opportunity to expand the market and business operations in order to increase their financial strengths, but it has also resulted in developing corporate culture to prote ct the human resources. In the global market, the major problem for Wal-Mart was inapplicability to the local culture. Low wages, power of unions and discrimination among employees have impacted the human resource management of Wal-Mart in the international market. For instance, Wal-Mart was strictly alleged for discriminating Chinese employees by remunerating them below minimum wage (Mesa Community College, 2009). Impact of Labor Market on HRM strategies Labor market can certainly form the HRM strategies and it is one of the major aspects in defining the ‘degree of freedom’ in an organization. The HRM strategy of Wal-Mart is determined by availability of labor in the market with particular ability, knowledge and proficiency. The pressure of global competition has led Wal-Mart to implement flexible labor strategies with more hazardous work provisions. In recent years, development in financial, political and industrial domains had expressively transformed the arrangement of labor supply and type of labor essential by the organizations. One of the most powerful aspects which formed the international labor market is enhanced process of globalization. The development of international financial system, manufacture structure, market structure and complex forms of international immigration had generated substantial interconnectedness among domestic and local labor markets. Consequently, it is significant for Wal-Mart to recognize the labor marketplace to
Saturday, February 8, 2020
Explain why perfectly competitive firms cannot make supernormal Essay - 1
Explain why perfectly competitive firms cannot make supernormal profits in the long run but monopolies can - Essay Example Producers are only interested of taking their cost and resources are easily mobilized. Thus it makes a perfect combination. The most interesting part is that Perfect Competitive market has growth levels to improve their quality and revise their prices which make them vulnerable and devoted towards their product. This is observed and practice because a lot of firms comes in and introduce their new may be advanced product to customers and if you fail to offer something equivalent then customers simply turns their backs. These are some positive gestures which you receive from the market to improve further or bring something new to attract the customers. All conditions are to be fulfilled to make it a Perfect Competitive Market. Monopolistic Market: It is a place where only one party holds the system and moulds it accordingly. There are several other problems that occur for consumers if the market is monopolistic like supply constraints are faced often and prices are fixed according to their will, mostly high and excessive barriers are being laid for new comers which is a hindrance in getting new offers and sufferers are only customers as they can’t help buying the product available. This type of markets are usually said to be in telecommunication or media industry sectors as they lay strong foundation by investing a huge amount which cannot be easily challenged. But they are bad for themselves in a way that they do not face competitor, which does not make them realize to go for innovations or advancements. The best example here is American Software Company known as Microsoft which ruled the software sector for decades because of its Windows Operating System. They were later challenged by Apple with extra ordinary efforts for which Apple waited for years and today it is in dominance. Remember efficiency is not the only factor affecting monopoly. Monopolies can still achieve a good profit ratio then Competitive markets in the long run. This term can
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Interpersonal Communication Essay Example for Free
Interpersonal Communication Essay I joined Eclairs Molders in 2003 immediately after I finished my studies. I had been attached to the organization for more than 3 months during my field attachment. Therefore I had a prior knowledge of the organization and had interacted with several people. When they considered my application for a job, I was happy to join an organization which I had the values oriented towards outcome achievement and had a high degree of people orientation. I was now part and parcel of the organization. When I joined the organization, I was lucky since I was put under the same department that I had served before. I was under the same supervisor who had supervised me during my field attachment. I did not have to be oriented much in the organization culture and other aspects of its operation since I had gone through the same socialization process before. But there was one person who had oriented me in the organization and who remained relevant to me even after I joined the organization for work. That was the secretary in the Production department where I was assigned as an assistant manager. She was still relevant to me as she showed me how I had to start my work and settled in my job. With time we became very close to one another. This was to end up in romantic relationship. In the development of our relationship, we had undergone the full Knapp’s relationship escalation model. I still remember the initiation stage of our relationship when I was directed to her office where she would orient me to the organization. The first 10 to 15 seconds were spent knowing about each other. There was a mutual attraction that developed between us that time as we observed each other’s appearance and manners. Our experimental phase was marked by the continuous interaction that we has as I worked with her guidance. I had a lot of uncertainties about her although I felt more attracted to her. I had to use several strategies in order to reduce this level of uncertainties. Under the uncertainty reduction theory it took on actives and interactive strategies in order to learn more about her. This helped me to gain knowledge and understanding about her. In active strategies, I enquired about her from her friends and also set up several situations under which I would observe her closely like enquiring a lot about work from her. In the interactive strategies, I talked with her most of the time often brining in other topics not related to work so that I would understand her more. Though our relationship remained at this phase when I was in my field attachment it dramatically changed its course when I started working in the company. Although I was assigned another secretary I would still rely on her most of the time and she was also supportive to orient my secretary to her work. We developed a liking for each other and she would spend some of her time in my office sometimes with no official attachment but just chatting with one another. We sure that our relationship had to go beyond business relationship but there was a sense of romance in the air. Our relationship grew and reached the intensification period. At this time we were closer with one another and we disclosed that were wanted to from a lasting romantic relationship. We knew that it would be hard for us to operate in the work place as lovers but we had to our best in order to keep our relationship rolling. Self disclosure was an important aspect that helped to cement our relationship. We developed from the hidden pane to the open pane of Johari window as we opened ourselves to one another. We came to understand our characters and helped each other to understand their characters as well. By undergoing several windows we were able to know each other. Mutual disclosure helped us to know each other well and the trust in our relationship deepened. Following the social penetration theory, we undertook several practices in order to gain closeness in our relationship. This helped our relationship to progress from superficial to intimate. Self disclosure was an important factor in this theory that helped our relationship to grow. We gave rewards from time to time. We all strived to achieve each others satisfaction to help gain stability in our relationship. At first I was not willing to disclosure myself to her. But with time she started disclosing herself and our trust grew. According other norm of reciprocity, I had to disclose myself to her since she had already disclosed herself to me. I found out that she felt better when I disclosed myself to her since she was able to know me well. In the intensifying phase we were able to disclose our love to one another. Our relationship grew and we found ourselves with each other most of the time. At tea break, she would be at my desk while I found myself entering the manager’s office more than office just to pays by her and greet her. Most of the workers around especially the manager and my secretary started noting that there was a growing relationship between us. We would go for lunch together. Slowly we started integrating with tone another. No one wanted to go for lunch or go home alone. After work, we would go to her house and we would have supper together. We started caring for one another. We were like one person. Mine was hers and hers was mine. With were simply inseparable. Most of the time we had to make personal sacrifice in order to accommodate each other. We involved several pro-social strategies in order to gain compromise with one another behavior. Like in any other relationship, we had to make sacrifices to accommodate the other. We made a lot of promises to one another in order to gain compliance. We expressed our positive and negative feelings in order to gain compliance with one another. This helped to build our relationship more and trust each other more. According to the Relationship Dialectics theory as far as connectedness-separateness is concerned with had to make a lot of personal sacrifice in our autonomy for the sake of our relationship. It is not that we did not experience conflict in our relationship but most of time we had to accommodation strategy in order to overcome our conflicts. Many times we accommodate each other but sometimes we had to compromise on a situation when it became too difficult for us to find a solution to the problem. Other time we had to collaborate with one another in order to find a mutually and completely satisfactory solution of our conflict in a win-win situation. At this stage of our relationship, we were sure that we needed each others in our life. Our parent started pressurizing us to get married and stay together. We though that we had the most romantic relationship on earth. We also felt the same need to get married and stay together. But there were other factors that we had to take into consideration before setting down for our marriage. We considered the fact that we had to take time to build ourselves and our relationship before deciding to get married. It was hectic at work to keep our relationship rolling. It was still more difficult to stay in the same department yet in different offices. I found myself delegating most of my secretary duties to my girlfriend and it was evident that she was not auguring well with it. The manager also felt that her secretary was being overburdened to handle his order and my orders as well. In most cases, it was my girlfriend who delegated her work to my secretary. It was like I had assumed her existence and her roles (West and Turner 2000, p. 32). However we did our best to manage our relationship. We had to set time to be together and time to stay at work and carry out our duties. Most of the time the manager complained we were not getting serious with our work and we seemed to value our relationship more than our work. These were some of the difficulties that we had expected from the begging when we decided to be together. Therefore we had to make a lot of sacrifices and commitment most of our time to our work rather than our relationship. But our relationship was not to stay for long. The more it became evident to coworkers that we were in love, the more it became difficult for us to handle our relationship. There were a lot of conflicts that we were able to go through but others became sticky with time. It was just one of such conflicts between maintaining our relationship and carrying out our duties as required that made our relationship difficult to continue with. The conflict As an assistant production manager, I handled most of the incoming production orders from the sales team. I had to vet those order and decide the one which had to be produced first before the others. The work of the manager was just of authorize the production of the orders. Therefore I acted as the main link between the sale department and the production department. On the other hand my secretary and my girlfriend who was the secretary to the production manager linked me with the manager. When I received the orders, I vetted them and gave them to my secretary who would then give them to the Managers secretary for them to be passed to the manager. After the manager signed them, they would follow the same route and come back to me where I would forward them to the production supervisor. This was a complicate change but there was nothing that I could do to make it simpler since that was the culture of the organization. One day, I received a call from the sales department and I was informed of orders that had to be produced within 24 hours. Although we used to handle such orders they were rare and most of our orders were produced within a period of one week. Therefore at this was an urgent order that had to be completed fast. In a normal condition, I was authorized to vet such an order and pass it direct the manager without involving the secretary so that it would be produced within the stipulated time. When I received the orders I decided to take them direct to the manager to be signed. I went to the manager office but I found that he was engaged with another client. For the past tow days, we had not been in good terms with my girlfriend but this was just a normal conflict in a relationship. Therefore when I found that the manager was engaged, we decided to talk with my girlfriend as we waited for the client to finish so that I would see the manager. But our conversation became deep and emotional and I forgot that I had urgent order to be attended to. I became very emotion as my girlfriend seemed to annoy me through the conversation. I just left the order on her table and hurried back to my office apparently very upset from the conversation we had. I did not remember about the orders again. I spent the day in my office attending to other work and I felt very low. The next day in the morning, I go a call from the sales department calling for the packaging of the products as the cline had come to collect them. This was the beginning of the conflict. I called the sales department and informed them that the manager had not signed the orders and therefore they had not been processed. According to the deception theory, I had to manipulate what had happened in order to shift the blame from my office to the manager office although I knew very well that there was a high level of apprehension about the deception in what I was saying. The sales department tried to assimilate the validity of my explanation and immediately it was clear that this as not true. There was some element of deceit in my message. Therefore the sales manager called the production managers office and enquired about the orders. The manager sought to be explained why production manager had not approved the production and yet the office did not communicate to the sales office in order to cancel the orders. The production manager was not aware of any such order and therefore he immediately called me in order to get to the bottom of what had happened. As per my explanation, I told the manager that I had taken a step of handing over the order sot here secretary so that they could be processed easily and I thought that he had not approved those orders. But the secretary had not handed in the order. Amid the conversation and conflict that we had with her, she had forgotten to hand in the order as a matter of urgency and therefore they had not bee approved. Therefore the conflict degraded to be a dyad conflict between me, my girlfriend and the production manager. I shifted the blame to my girlfriend that as the secretary of the manager she had the duty to hand in the orders. The manager on the other and blamed me since I did not treat order with the needed urgency. My girlfriend also blamed me since I did not inform her that the order was urgent and therefore she concentrated on finishing the work that was on her desk first. It ended up as a blame game but between me and her, it was more emotional and entwined to the other conflicts that we had before. Therefore it was a dyad conflict another it was far reaching as it involved deferent department. To me the conflict was more complicated by the emotional bond that I had with the person to who all the blame was falling. I blamed myself since I didn’t do what was right. I just found myself defending my position and forgot all the sacrifices that we had made in the past in our relationship in order to accommodate the other. There was power of love that was entwined in the conflict that made it difficult for me to come over it. At the same time there were office protocols that had to be followed in carrying out the needed activities. The cause of the conflict was vested in the misunderstanding in our relationship and lack of responsibility to my duties. The conflict was difficult to solve coupled with the emotional bond that was between us. In this case the more we tried to come up with solution on how the production could be achieved within hours in order to deliver the products the conflict went back to the start. With the full understanding of the relationship that was between me and his secretary, the production manager became harsher and his usual criticisms of neglecting our duties for the sake of our live escalated once again. There was just one condition that he put for us. It was either we took our relationship out of the work place or one or both of us resign from work and be left at home. His stance made it more difficult to resolve the conflict. But one again there was also the factor of my secretary who argued that she had been neglected in performance of her duties and she was considered to be under the manager’s secretary. With the full understating that both my office and the office of the manager had their own identify and freedom of operation, the manager could not understand how our relationship had fused the operation of both offices such that come of her office tasks were performed by my secretary and my work was performed by his secretary. We had to find a way out of the conflict. We were able to solve the immediate effect of the conflict and we ordered production of the order in a matter of hours. But there was still the problem our work and our relationship that could not be ignored. The manager wanted us to solve it once and for all. At the end the conflict had a destructive effect on our relationship. Coupled with the conflict that we had earlier with my girlfriend, it became difficult to go over the current conflict that we were facing. She accused me of deception and using her as a scape-goat in order to evade the responsibility of what had happened. The trust she had build on me had been deconstructed by one event and our relationship could not take off against or be the same as it had been before. We had entered into a conflict that we could hardly go over. Earlier we had revealed our conflict through accommodating each other and compromise on one situation. But this time she seemed to have taken an avoidance strategy in our conflict. She did not pay attention to what had happened and the ramification it had on our relationship but all she did was to avoid me altogether. She did not appear to pay close attention in order to match the strategies that we could use to solve the problem to the situation that was at our hand. I thought that with time we could recover from the time pressure that was affecting how we resolved our conflict. To me our relationship was more valued and thereof I was ready to compromise and sacrifice myself in order to overcome the conflict to match the situation. But I had used by relative power strategy in order to put the blame on her and I knew she would not forgive me for this. I realized that I was working and therefore I was ready to accommodate her for the sake of our relationship. But she had already reached interpscyhic phase where although she said noting she was more focused on my faults and show used may faults to withdraw from active participation in our relationship. She felt justified in withdrawing from the relationship. But it was over and our relationship entered the terminal stage. First we had differed as I had a ‘me’ stand instead of ‘we’ in the conflict. We were both responsible for the conflict but I had exempted myself from it and accused her. This had acted as the first warning sign that our relationship was just be ending. It had started to dissolve with our earlier conflict and this conflict as the last final strike that drove the nail in. Since that conflict happened we had less instance of communication. We had less interaction as we took to the workplace procedure. Suddenly we had developed different interests and what had our fun been before was not making sense to the other. Although we continued to be with one another from time to time and many thought that our relationships was normal, I knew inside myself that it was not working and non of us was working to save the situation. We reached as stagnation stage and none of us talked about our relationship again. Sometime we would be together and spend a lot of time without talking. In the office our interaction were reduced and even when we interacted, we talked about office matters most of the time. With time we started to avoid each other. There were efforts to reduce face to face conversation with the other and in case I needed something from the manager I would either send the secretary or if she was busy, I would use the office phone. I also noted that she had the same attitude and she reduced the number of trips she had been making to my office and the phone line became active as the main communication channel. At the end, the termination of our relationship was natural. We stopped seeing each. I used my secretary a lot when I wanted anything from the manager’s office. We simple ended our relationship like that and though with difficult, we tried our best to remain coworkers until the date she left the company for another. Up to date I feel that we didn’t hand our conflict the way it was supposed to have been handled. We didn’t pay attention to the fine details of our relationship and we were too emotional in trying to find a solution to it. But it was compounded by the fact that it had emanated from another conflict and this had the effect of an outsider who had more power than us. The nature of the conflict was also difficult as there were protocols or work procedures that had been overtaken by our emotional involvement.
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Monroe Doctrine Editorial :: essays research papers
Monroe Doctrine: For Good or for Bad? The interests of our own Latin America is clearly different from those of that of the United States – but ever since the Monroe Doctrine has been declared, it seemed as if relations between the US and the nations of Latin America stabilized on a friendly note. But we need not feel easy and let our guard down at all, for this issue has had major questionings in the past years already. Is the United States really attempting to protect our nations from any threat of reconquest from outer nations? Or is the US only using the Monroe Doctrine to dominate the Western Hemisphere? I strongly agree with our nations’ government views about this issue: that the United States is only using this as a step forward in monopolizing power around the Western Hemisphere. It might be true that they are defending our nations from European conquest and such, but we are also independent and should be allowed to govern ourselves without any higher power that makes every decision for us, even if sometimes it’s not even in the general interest of the masses within nations of Latin America. But then again, the US might be actually intending to just defend us, since as we are part of its land and territory. Our region is that of a concentrated power with one major rule, just as a Spanish official made this prediction about the United States in 1783: â€Å"We have just recognized a new power in a great region where there exists no other to challenge its growth. †¦ The day will come when it grows and becomes a giant and even a colossus in those regions. Within a few years we will regard the existence of this colossus with real sorrow.†And now, as it clearly is seen, the United States is the existing â€Å"Colossus of the North†, even though it wasn’t able to carry out the Monroe Doctrine by itself in the beginning, and with the help of the British navy, it was duly carried on.
Monday, January 13, 2020
Becoming Yourself from the Short Story the Secret Lion
English 102 14September2012 Becoming Yourself Alberto Alvaro Rios’ short story The Secret Lion, captures the spirit of a coming-of-age story between childhood and adolescence through the eyes of two boys, presumably from a lower-class Latino background. Through the use of various symbols, the theme of change is made apparent through the first-person, unnamed narrator. The use of this narrator is what shapes the story and the lessons learned within.Due to the author’s choice of careful character construction within the unnamed narrator, the reader faces a significant amount of emotions and reactions within a very brief, yet compelling short story. The usage of the first-person point of view immediately presents the narrator to be a round character, due to the intimate opportunities the style of writing provides for fiction writing. Although we do not know the narrator’s name, due to the narrative style the audience can relate to the stories and experiences the cha racter has.We know how the character feels internally quite often, which is iconic of the round fictional character. For example, we are provided internal insights that only a round character would allow the audience the opportunity to discover. For example, the character reveals how he felt â€Å"personally abandoned somehow†when describing junior high school (Rios 201). We also discover a lot about the character’s personality through the actions and habits mentioned in the story. The following passage exemplifies a traits only a round character could have: â€Å".. hat we would do down there was shout every dirty word we could think of, in every combination we could come up with, and we would yell about girls, and all the things we wanted to do with them. †(Rios 201) This reveals that the narrator and his friend Sergio are going through a hormonal, rebellious stage where new sensations and impulses drive what pretty much most junior high student malesâ€℠¢ experience. Since he is a round character, the reader has a stronger connection with him, and ultimately will reap the moral of the story the author wanted to provide. Feature Article – The Plane of the Sleeping Beauty AnalysisDue to the usage of the round character, the narrator’s motivations are very apparent. The motivations explain why the character is doing what he is doing. If the narrator was a flat character, the context of growth the two boys experience within their travels would be lost, and the story would lose an immense amount of what makes it so compelling. For example, without revelations of the motivations the character speaks of, then the story would be more or less just two boys simply walking around outside the desert, arriving to a golf course, and leaving.The passage revealing what the children did to protect their treasured metal ball states â€Å"We came up with the answer. We dug a hole and buried. And we marked it secretly. Lots of secret signs†¦ We dug up the whole bank, and we never found it again. †(Rios 202) Without knowing that they were trying to hide this discovery and cherished item and then return to search for it, the audience would be left wondering exactly why these two children are digging up holes on an entire bank in the middle of an arroyo. Also, his motivations real why the character does what he does in terms of story progression.Without motivations, there would be no engaged plot with a rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution, rendering this work just a series of meaningless anecdotes. Because we know the background of the character as a middle school student itching to discover life, we can understand why he and Sergio leave adventuring to the arroyo and head to the mountains in the first place (Rios 205). They wanted to find out what the adults, specifically his mother, were keeping from them first hand; all because she told them not to worry about lay on the other side of the pass.Their motivation and intrigue to discover what secret they had been missing out on led them to ultimately discover their version of heaven (the golf course) a nd ultimately the impermanence of life and change is inevitable. Due to the character’s said discovery that change is the only the thing that is permanent, makes him a dynamic character. He goes from being a curious, innocent naive boy at the beginning of the story who found magic in matters that were familiar to the realization that some things you love can e taken away from you, and that sadly, the grass is sometimes greener on the other side of the fence. This is revealed in the penultimate paragraph when the boys who had dug up the entire mound looking for their new treasure at the beginning of the story â€Å"didn’t look so hard for it†the second time (Rios 204). This newfound peace and acceptance that things get taken away is what makes the character dynamic; without the narrator would have not learned anything, been a static character, and the reader would have been left with an uncertainty no successful fiction author wishes to convey.Ultimately, the un named narrator in The Secret Lion drives the story with his well-said first person point-of-view. Due to the choices the author made when giving the character his traits of being a round, dynamic character, the story’s themes of change and acceptance are successfully conveyed. Works Cited Rios, Alberto Alvaro. â€Å"The Secret Lion. †Literature: Reading, Reacting, Writing. Ed. Laurie G. Kirsner and Stephen R. Mandell. United States: Uhl, 2013. 201-205. Print.
Sunday, January 5, 2020
Family Violence Is Systems Theory - 1181 Words
The theory that best connects with the issue of family violence is systems theory. This theory entails that the â€Å"family as a system is thought to be best understood through the recognition that family members (as the parts of the system) interact with one another in such a manner that, over time, these interactions become patterned behavior†(Sutphin, McDonough, Schrenkel, 2013) Every family member that is within this family are characterized as subsystems. The main sub-systems are parent-parent, parent-child, and child-child. In most cases, what happens in the parent-parent relationship impacts both the parent-child relationship and the child-child relationship. A type of violence that can occur between the parent and parent relationship†¦show more content†¦It is common for parents and their children to have disagreements and to have arguments but sometimes these disagreements can turn into abuse. Children usually use violence to try to â€Å"control or bully them†(Parenting and Child Health, n.d.) This violence usually occurs when the child â€Å"frightens, threatens or physically hurts them. It can involve using abusive language, pushing, shoving, kicking, throwing things, or threatening with knives or other weapons†((Parenting and Child Heathen’s.) Children may abuse their parents due to the normalization of that parent getting abused by the other parent within their household. The child may use the parent that abusing the other parent as a model for the way they should act towards their parent as well and justify their actions simply as something that they observed in their household. The violence that children commit against their parents affects that subsystem because it leaves it broken. There is a strain within the parent and child relationship that forms a direct result of constant conflict and abuse between the child and parent. Sometimes, in child-child relationships, an older sibling may become â€Å"mo re aggressive†with their younger sibling because of the abuse that they have witnessed and been exposed to. (Fantuzzo, Mohr, 1999) The children can become socialized by the parents to believe thatShow MoreRelatedThe Postmodern Theory Of Narrative Therapy Interventions1594 Words  | 7 PagesAccording to the postmodern theory, a person’s perceived reality is a social construct that is influenced by social and political discourses (Cummins, Sevel, Pedrick, 2012). Postmodernist focus on these discourses because it is believed that our realities are shaped by language, both verbal and written communication (Chang Nylund, 2013). Thus, postmodernism hypothesizing that since reality can be constructed by society, it can also be reconstructed or reframed using language. 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