Friday, May 31, 2019
A Therapeutic Relationship Essay -- Health, Nursing
A therapeutic relationship is a key component in the nursing profession. Without therapeutic relationships, the best possible care butt joint never be provided. The foundation in which trust is built upon is created from the accommodates ability to truly listen and respond appropriately. Listening creates the base in developing a strong, trusting relationship. Sometimes it is simply hearing what a longanimous says that makes all the difference, empowering them to open up and become more comfortable with the nurse (Hawkins-Walsh, 2000). The framework for creating a therapeutic relationship is built on the nurses ability to show empathy towards the client. Empathy is being able to put oneself in the patients shoes, to feel the same things they feel and to explore what it means to them (RNAO, 2002). Without the ability to relate to Irene, a trusting relationship cannot be developed nor can joint respect be earned. Trust is the foundation for building a relationship once created, t he client feels more comfortable opening up. Trust is established in many ways such as keeping confidentiality, be...
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Prosopagnosias Affect on Daily Life Essay -- Psychology, Mental Healt
In Psychology, there are a wide chain of disorders, all of which disrupt a persons life at varying levels. As a result of this, the Diagnostic Statistical Manual of affable Disorders is used to diagnose a person with a certain disorder and determine the extent to which the disorder affects their ability to exploit in society. However, the DSM-IV does not trade all of the disorders that people can be troubled with. There are four axes to the DSM-IV axis I which takes into account clinical disorders, axis II looks at personality disorders, axis III diagnoses acute medical conditions, axis IV is psychosocial and environmental factors and axis V determines a persons ability to function in society. Agnosia is one of the many disorders that cannot be classified under the any of the axes of the DSM-IV although it is a brain disorder. A specific type of agnosia that has recently been heavily delineated in the media is prosopagnosia. Prosopagnosia is a mysterious disorder as the etiolog y is unknown and there is much variance to the disorder by the individual. As the degree in which this disorder affects the lives of people cannot be determined using typical methods, to what extent does prosopagnosia affect a persons life?Prosopagnosia is the scientific name for what is usually known as face-blindness. It is a neurological disorder characterized by a persons lack of ability to recognize faces (Prosopagnosia Information, 2007). What makes a person having prosopagnosia incompatible than a person who is just bad with faces is that, with prosopagnosia, a deficit in face intelligence in the presence of relatively normal object recognition exists (Righart & Gelder, 2007). This means that a person with prosopagnosia cannot recognize... ...Prosopagnosia and PET Study of Normal Subjects and Discussion. Philosophical Transactions Biological Sciences. (pp. 55-62). Vol. 335. Royal Society.Shearer, D., and Peter M. (1996). Effect of Facial Familiarity and Task fate on Elec trodermal Activity. The American Journal of Psychology (pp. 131-37). Vol. 109. University of Illinois.Simulation of Talking Faces in the Human Brain Improves Auditory Speech Rocognition. (2008)Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the joined States of America (pp. 6747-6752). Ed. Dale Purves. Vol. 105. National Academy of Sciences.Song, S. (2006). Do I Know You? Time.Weingarten, G. (2008). Losing Face. The Washington Post.Young, A., and Perrett, D. (1992). Face Recognition Impairments and Discussion. Philisophical Transactions Biological Sciences. (pp. 47-54) Vol. 335. Royal Society.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
How religion was affected by Industrialization Essay -- Essays Papers
How religion was affected by Industrialization The commie manifesto Great changes took place in the lives and work of people in several parts of the world, resulting from the development of the Industrial Revolution. Just before the outbreak of revolutionary madness in Paris due to the consequences of industrialization, Karl Marx wrote The Communist pronunciamento. He saw this revolutionary violence as the opening episode of a worldwide communist revolution.1 There was no such revolution, however the communist ideals had been brought around and had taken a toll on society. The relationship between economic development and Communist party strength is significant. Also the significance of religion during this period had changed in large part due to this communist revolution. Marxs concentration to radical companionable change and atheism was spread during industrialization. Labor was of such demand that even priests were converted into paid wage-laborers. The Communist Manifesto states, All that is holy is profaned, and man is at last compelled to face with sober senses, his real conditions of life.2 Industrialization caused many great changes economically as well as socially. France was dramatically different in many aspects after this revolution. Industrialization caused the communist revolution which in turn caused religious issues in France. The Industrial Revolution was a time in occidental cultures when the production of goods became urbanized. Spreading from Great Britain, industrialization had become widespread in Western Europe by the mid-1800s. France, in particular, progressed in the industrialization process from about 1830 to 1850. Industrialization created an enormous increase in th... ...vided by World Book Online, http// (25 October 2001)7. Peter N. Stearns, The Impact of the Industrial Revolution (Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey Prentice-Hal l, Inc., 1972) 126, 127, 92-48. magic H. Kautsky, Communism and the Politics of Development (New York John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 1968) 109. The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, (Houghton Mifflin Company, 2000) http// (25 October 2001)10. John H. Kautsky, Communism and the Politics of Development (New York John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 1968) 185, 18611. Lawrence J. Flockerzie and Dennis M. Doyle, The Manifesto of the Communist Party in Sources from the Humanities, trans. by Samuel Moore (Chicago Charles H. Kerr Publishing Company, 1989) 40
Yersinia pestis †Infection, Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment Essay
Yersinia pestis Gerneal Infection, Symptoms, Diagnosis, and TreatmentYersinia pestis, the culprit behind the infamous Black Death, spread by rat fleas, has cast a shadow over forgiving civilization, taken the lives of countless peasants and nobles alike like a violent brute who murders invariably. There argon three major forms of infection stages, the bubonic smite, the septicemic plague, and the pulmonic plague (primary and secondary), all are lethal if not treated with proper antibiotics. Due to similar symptoms, clinical diagnosis, the distinction between a common cool and a lethal infection is made difficult. However, though a potent murderer, Yersinia pestis can be easily eliminated by antibiotic treatment survivors of the disease may be scarred.The plague has always been a shadow overcastting the dawn of mankind it had hid in the darkness, where the rodents roam and the poor dwell it had unleashed its terror upon, claiming the souls of nobles and peasants alike. There are a total of five major plague outbreaks, including the infamous Black Death of medieval Europe, which wiped away half of its population. Yersinia pestis, the culprit behind the Black Death, are Gram-negative bacteria that are septicemic and extremely infectious. Though humans are highly susceptible to the microorganism, its main hosts are rodent species such as rats and squirrels, and are only transmitted onto humans when infectious fleas regurgitates animal blood while feeding on us.Yersinia pestis infection comes in three forms bubonic, septicemic, and pneumonic the pneumonic plague is the deadliest. The rodent epidemic is transmitted unto humans when Y. pestis are transmitted by fleabite, enters the lymphatic system2and migrate to the re... ...6.Microorganisms and Bioterrorism. Ed. Anderson, Burt, Friedman, Herman, andMaaro Bendinelli. Springer 2006.Kopp, Elizabeth, and Medzhitov, Ruslan. A Plague on drove Defense. The Journal of Experimental Medicine. .Plague Fact Sheet. Cente rs for Disease experience and Prevention. Department of Health and Human Services. 30 March, 2005. 26 July, 2006. .Plague Prevention and Control. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Department of Health and Human Services. 30 March, 2005. 26 July, 2006. .VeriMed Healthcare Network. Plague. Medline Plus. 17 June, 2005. 26 July, 2006. .
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
A Psychological Profile Of Holden Caufield :: essays research papers fc
Thesis Holden Caufield is a hostile, negatively charged character that suffers from belief which stems from a desire not to grow up and a lack of closure in his brothers death."If you really want to hear about it, the first involvement youll probably want to know is where I was born, and what my lousy childhood was like . . . "(pg. 1) These first words that Holden Caufield communicates during his tell of events that brought him to his breakdown, show the pent up hostility that lock away lingers. This pattern of speech, the constant expression of negativity, is a character trace of Holden that shows his inner anguish. Holden also feels a continual need for affirmation of what he just give tongue to with phrases such as, "He really would."(pg. 25) or "It really isnt." (Pg. 89) This continual need for approval shows a lowered level of self-assurance. This lowered self-assurance probably stems from his self-awareness that he is an unreliable source. The reas on he is unreliable is due to his deceitful narrative of occurrences. This is seen repeatedly as Holden builds an individual up as good or innocuous such as Stradlater, (pg. 25) then tears him down later. (pg 43) This inability to give truthful accounts of individuals could stem from his constant digression from the point at hand. Holden freely admits to this trait on page 183 when he says "The trouble with me is, I like it when somebody digresses. Its more interesting and all.""Certain things they should stay the way they are. You ought to be able to last out them in one of those big glass cases and just leave them alone."(pg. 122) This phrase Holden made while discussing how things were different each time he went to the museum, stems from an inability to take for granted that he must grow up. The thought of growing up has driven Holden into bouts of falloff as inhis discussion on page 133, " Itd be entirely different. I said. I was getting depressed as hel l again." This nonconformist desire has led Holden to have illusions of grandeur as a fictional savior, "The Catcher in the Rye."(pg. 173) The catcher in the rye is undoubtedly a metaphor, for keeping children from falling into the same norm as adults. The inability of Holden to accept growing up and the depression caused by it has made Holden suicidal, "what I really felt like, though, was committing suicide.
A Psychological Profile Of Holden Caufield :: essays research papers fc
Thesis Holden Caufield is a hostile, negatively charged character that suffers from printing which stems from a desire not to grow up and a lack of colonisation in his brothers death."If you really want to hear about it, the kickoff thing youll probably want to know is where I was born, and what my lousy childhood was like . . . "(pg. 1) These first words that Holden Caufield communicates during his tell of events that brought him to his breakdown, show the pent up hostility that still lingers. This pattern of speech, the constant expression of negativity, is a character trait of Holden that shows his inner anguish. Holden similarly feels a continual need for affirmation of what he just said with phrases such as, "He really would."(pg. 25) or "It really isnt." (Pg. 89) This continual need for cheers shows a lowered level of self-assurance. This lowered self-assurance probably stems from his self-awareness that he is an unreliable source. The reason he is unreliable is due to his deceitful narrative of occurrences. This is seen repeatedly as Holden builds an individual up as good or righteous such as Stradlater, (pg. 25) then tears him down later. (pg 43) This inability to give naive accounts of individuals could stem from his constant digression from the point at hand. Holden freely admits to this trait on page 183 when he says "The trouble with me is, I like it when somebody digresses. Its more than interesting and all.""Certain things they should stay the way they are. You ought to be able to stick them in one of those big glass cases and just leave them alone."(pg. 122) This phrase Holden make while discussing how things were different each time he went to the museum, stems from an inability to accept that he must grow up. The thought of growing up has driven Holden into bouts of depression as inhis discussion on page 133, " Itd be entirely different. I said. I was getting depressed as hell again." This nonconformist desire has lead Holden to have illusions of grandeur as a fictional savior, "The Catcher in the Rye."(pg. 173) The catcher in the rye is undoubtedly a metaphor, for keeping children from falling into the analogous norm as adults. The inability of Holden to accept growing up and the depression caused by it has made Holden suicidal, "what I really felt like, though, was committing suicide.
Monday, May 27, 2019
Family Guide to Prescription Drugs Essay
The five rights (5 Rs) need to be followed when administering any musics right patient, right medication, right dose, right clock and the right route. Venipuncture procedure for the purpose of establishing peripheral venous access and for obtaining blood sample for laboratory tests follow the standards of practice framework. It is mandatory that health c ar professionals have and sustain in good consideration, whole licenses, permits, and certificates required by law as well as follow the standards of practice imposed.(2) Explain the repercussions that could arise from violating these standards.Violating these standards will lead to adverse patient reactions to the dose administered worst case will be death to the patient involved. Investigations regarding the medication error will result to fines/penalties, license revocations and even jail time (Sen, et al, 2005). Sadly, unintended deaths due to medication errors as a result of failure to follow these standards are not unus ual cases in health care practice (Medical Mistakes 1999).(3) What are the responsibilities of a person in your health care position during a code arrest?If signs of patients condition/ state is worsening chop-chop (i.e. increased respiratory distress and decreased oxygen saturation, c both a code. The person who found the unresponsive patient should call the code right outdoor(a) and initiate CPR. It is important to know the status code of the patient before anything else, whether the patient has a full code, partial code or has a DNR status (Do Not Resuscitate) (Turjanica, 1998).(4) Discuss the repercussion that could arise, both for the patient and you, in regards to injection of business media.Intravenous injection of contrast media will be done/ administered by a qualified physician or trained radiologic nurse. An informed consent will be obtained from the patient prior to the said procedure. This consent has to be sign-language(a) by the patient, the guardian or patients p ower of attorney. Severe reactions to the procedure leading to cardiopulmonary arrest/ death are beyond the health care teams capacity. As long as there were no mistakes when the procedure was done, there will be no repercussions. Emergency weapon and pharmaceuticals are available for any emergencies that may arise during the after the procedure.(5) Explain the organization of the information supplied in the Physicians Desk Reference (PDR).PDR provides information regarding prescription medications, over-the-counter medications, herbal medications, health conditions, types of surgeries and even treatment options for a number of health issues. They likewise provide drug to drug interactions when one is taking a number of medications for variant health problems.(6) What are the benefits of physicians using PDAs in ordering prescriptions for their patients?Physicians will gain advantage when using PDRs as it will provide and supply them with the latest medication/ drug products ava ilable, concise drug information and multi-drug interaction checker. Daily news updates are also available thru these PDRs.(7) Compare the ratings of addictive drugs on the controlled drug standard. shake off an example of each category.Examples of addictive drugs are nicotine, heroines and cocaine. Controlled drugs are medications taken illegally when not being prescribed by physicians. Examples of these drugs are analgesics like Tylenol with Codeine, Oxycontin and Morphine. Presently, all these controlled drugs are addictive. Research is ongoing nowadays for the new compound ACV1 which is more powerful than Morphine but is not addictive at all (Good, 2002).(8) What are some reasons the imaging professional should chart carefully? In which ways is charting accomplished?Imaging professionals need to chart carefully and completely for legal purposes. sustenance on any health related procedures will be used in court if something happens to the patient. Reactions of patient after any procedure are also put down in patient care notes and on the occurrence form.(9) Which examinations require charting and how is this done?Any procedure pertaining to health care needs to be documented/ charted. As much as possible, the documentation needs to be clear and concise. It should also be reflecting the interventions done and the patients reaction/ responses to it. The type of contrast media, the amount given, the site and the time should be documented. The timing of events and the treatments/ interventions done in any emergencies during and after the procedure should be documented concisely as well. To time events, the use of one timepiece is necessary in order to establish consistencies.ReferenceGood, Brian (2002). Something for the pain. Mens Health, 17.9, p 36.Medical Mistakes. (1999). KRT Interactive Hot Topics.Sen, S., Chini, E, Nunes, E & Brown, M. (2005). Complications after unintentional intra-arterial injection of drugs risks, outcomes and management strategies. Mayo Clinic Proceedings, Vol 80, 783.Turjanica, M. A. Anatomy of a code how do you feel at the start of a code blueness? Nursing, Vol 27, p34.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
A Tale of Two Cities- Quotes
A Tale of Two Cities quotes & explanation 1. It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the era of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way. . . Explanation for reference point 1 These famous lines, which open A Tale of Two Cities, hint at the myths central tension between love and family, on the unmatched hand, and oppression and hatred, on the other. The passage makes marked use of anaphora, the repetition of a phrase at the beginning of consecutive clausesfor example, it was the age . . . it was the age and it was the epoch . . . it was the epoch. . . This technique, on with the passages steady rhythm, suggests that good and evil, wisdom and folly, and light a nd darkness stand equally matched in their struggle. The opposing pairs in this passage also bulge one of the novels most prominent motifs and structural figuresthat of doubles, including London and Paris, Sydney Carton and Charles Darnay, Miss Pross and Madame Defarge, and Lucie and Madame Defarge. 2. A wonderful fact to reflect upon, that every human beings creature is constituted to be that profound secret and mystery to every other.A solemn consideration, when I enter a great city by night, that every one of those darkly clustered houses encloses its own secret that every room in every one of them encloses its own secret that every beating fondness in the hundreds of thousands of breasts there, is, in some of its imagin-ings, a secret to the heart nearest it Something of the awfulness, even of Death itself, is referable to this. Explanation for Quotation 2 The storyteller makes this consideration at the beginning of Book the First, Chapter 3, after Jerry Cruncher delivers a cryptic message to Jarvis Lorry in the darkened mail coach.Lorrys missionto recover the long-imprisoned debase Manette and render him to lifeestablishes the essential dilemma that he and other characters face namely, that human beings constitute perpetual mysteries to one another and always remain pretty locked away, never fully reachable by outside minds. This fundamental inscrutability proves most evident in the case of Manette, whose private sufferings force him to relapse throughout the novel into bouts of cobbling, an occupation that he first took up in prison.Throughout the novel, Manette men loftyy returns to his prison, bound more by his own recollections than by any attempt of the other characters to recall him into the present. This passages reference to death also evokes the deep secret revealed in Cartons self-sacrifice at the end of the novel. The exact knowledge of his love and devotion for Lucie remains obscure until he commits to dying for her the selflessness o f his death leaves the reader to wonder at the ways in which he world power confirm manifested this great love in life. . The vino was red wine, and had varnished the fuze of the narrow street in the suburb of Saint Antoine, in Paris, where it was spilled. It had stained many hands, too, and many faces, and many naked feet, and many wooden shoes. The hands of the man who sawed the wood, left red marks on the billets and the forehead of the woman who treat her baby, was stained with the stain of the old rag she wound about her head again.Those who had been greedy with the staves of the cask, had acquired a tigerish smear about the mouth and one tall joker so besmirched, his head more out of a long squalid bag of a night-cap than in it, scrawled upon a wall with his finger plunge in muddy wine-leesblood. Explanation for Quotation 3 This passage, taken from Book the First, Chapter 5, describes the scramble after a wine cask breaks outside Defarges wine shop. This episode opens the novels examination of Paris and acts as a potent depiction of the peasants hunger.These oppressed individuals are not only physically sharp-setand thus willing to slurp wine from the city streetsbut are also hungry for a new world order, for justice and freedom from misery. In this passage, Dickens foreshadows the lengths to which the peasants desperation will take them. This scene is echoed later in the novel when the transitionariesnow similarly smeared with red, but the red of bloodgather near the grindstone to sharpen their weapons.The emphasis here on the idea of staining, as well as the scrawling of the word blood, furthers this connection, as does the appearance of the wood-sawyer, who later scares Lucie with his mock guillotine in Book the Third, Chapter 5. Additionally, the image of the wine lapping against naked feet anticipates the final showdown between Miss Pross and Madame Defarge in Book the Third, Chapter 14 The basin fell to the ground broken, and the water f lowed to the feet of Madame Defarge. By strange stern ways, and through much staining of blood, those feet had come to meet that water. 4.Along the Paris streets, the death-carts rumble, hollow and harsh. Six tumbrels carry the days wine to La behead. All the devouring and insatiate Monsters imagined since imagination could record itself, are fused in one realization, Guillotine. And yet there is not in France, with its rich variety of soil and climate, a blade, a leaf, a root, a sprig, a peppercorn, which will grow to maturity under conditions more certain than those that have produced this horror. Crush humanity out of shape at once more, under similar hammers, and it will twist itself into the same tortured forms.Sow the same seed of rapacious pass and oppression over again, and it will surely yield the same fruit according to its kind. Explanation for Quotation 4 In this concise and beautiful passage, which occurs in the final chapter of the novel, Dickens summarizes his am bivalent attitude toward the french Revolution. The author stops decidedly short of justifying the violence that the peasants use to overturn the social order, personifying La Guillotine as a sort of drunken lord who consumes human livesthe days wine. Nevertheless, Dickens shows a thorough understanding of how such violence and bloodlust canister come about. The cruel aristocracys oppression of the poor sows the same seed of rapacious license in the poor and compels them to persecute the aristocracy and other enemies of the revolution with equal brutality. Dickens perceives these revolutionaries as crushed . . . out of shape and having beenhammered . . . into . . . tortured forms. These depictions evidence his belief that the lower classes fundamental goodness has been perverted by the disgustful conditions under which the aristocracy has forced them to live. 5. I see a beautiful city and a brilliant people rising from this abyss, and, in their struggles to be really free, in the ir triumphs and defeats, through long years to come, I see the evil of this time and of the previous time of which this is the natural birth, gradually making expiation for itself and corrosion out. . . I see that child who lay upon her bosom and who bore my name, a man winning his way up in that path of life which once was mine. I see him winning it so well, that my name is made illustrious there by the light of his. . . . It is a far, far better thing that I do, than I have ever done it is a far, far better rest I go to than I have ever known. Explanation for Quotation 5 Though much debate has arisen regarding the value and meaning of Sydney Cartons sacrifice at the end of the novel, the surest key to interpretation rests in the thoughts contained in this passage, which the narrator attributes to Carton as he awaits his sacrificial death. This passage, which occurs in the final chapter, prophesies two resurrections one personal, the other national. In a novel that seeks to examin e the nature of revolutionthe overturning of one way of life for anotherthe struggles of France and of Sydney Carton mirror each other.Here, Dickens articulates the outcome of those struggles just as Paris will rise from the abyss of the French Revolutions chaotic and bloody violence, so too will Carton be reborn into glory after a virtually penniless life. In the prophecy that Paris will become a beautiful cityand that Cartons name will be made illustrious, the reader sees evidence of Dickenss faith in the essential goodness of humankind. The very last thoughts attributed to Carton, in their poetic use of repetition, register this faith as a calm and soothing certainty.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Plot Summary Catch Me If You Can Essay
In 1963, teen-aged Frank Abagnale (Leonardo DiCaprio) animateds New Rochelle, New York with his father Frank Abagnale, Sr. (Christopher Walken), and French engender Paula (Nathalie Baye). When Frank Sr. is denied a business loan at Chase Manhattan Bank due to unspecified difficulties with the IRS, the family is forced to move from their large home to a small apartment. Paula carries on an juncture with Jack (James Brolin), a friend of her husband. Meanwhile, Frank poses as a substitute teacher in his French class. Franks parents file for divorce, and Frank runs away.When he runs out of money, he begins to rely on confidence scams to get by. Soon, Franks cons grow bolder and he in time impersonates an airline pilot. He forges Pan Am payroll checks and succeeds in stealing over $2. 8 million. Meanwhile, Carl Hanratty (Tom Hanks), an FBI bank fraud agent, begins to track down Frank. Carl and Frank meet in a hotel, where Frank convinces Carl his induce is Barry Allen of the Secret S ervice. Frank leaves, Carl angrily realizing his mistake just as it is too late. Later, at Christmas, Carl is still exploiting when Frank calls him, attempting to apologize for duping Carl.Carl rejects his apology and tells him he leave alone soon be caught, but laughs when he realizes Frank actually called him because he has no one else to talk to. Frank hangs up, and Carl continues to investigate, suddenly realizing (thanks to a waiter) that the name Barry Allen is from the buck comic books and that Frank is just a teenager. Frank, meanwhile, has not only changed to becoming a doctor and a lawyer, but has fallen in love with Brenda (Amy Adams), to whom he eventually admits the truth about himself and asks her to run away with him.Carl tracks him to his engagement party where Frank has left Brenda, asking her to meet him two days later so they can elope. Frank sees her waiting for him two days later, but also sees agents in disguise. He realizes he has been set up and escapes on a flight of steps to Europe. Seven months later, Carl shows his boss that Frank has been forging checks all over western Europe and asks permission to go to Europe to look for him. When his boss says no, Carl brings Franks checks to printing professionals who deem that the checks were printed in France. Carl remembers from an interview with Franks mother that she was born in Montrichard, France.He goes there and finds Frank, and tells him that the French police will veil him if he does not go with Carl quietly. Frank assumes he is lying at first, but Carl promises Frank he would never lie to him, and Carl takes him outside, where the French police concomitant him to prison. The scene then flashes forward to a plane returning Frank home from prison, where Carl informs him that his father has died. Consumed with grief, Frank escapes from the plane and goes back to his old house, where he finds his mother with the man she left his father for, as well as a girl who Frank realizes is his half-sister.Frank gives himself up and is sentenced to 12 years in prison, get visits from time to time from Carl. When Frank points out how one of the checks Carl is carrying as evidence is fake, Carl convinces the FBI to offer Frank a deal by which he can live out the remainder of his sentence working for the bank fraud department of the FBI, which Frank accepts. While working at the FBI, Frank misses the thrill of the chase and even attempts to fly as an airline pilot again.He is cornered by Carl, who insists that Frank will return to the FBI job since no one is chasing him. On the future(a) Monday, Carl is nervous that Frank has not yet appeared at work. However, Frank does show up and they discuss their next case. The ending credits reveal that Frank has been mirthfully married for 26 years, has three sons, lives in the Midwest, is still good friends with Carl, has caught some of the worlds most elusive money forgers, and earns millions of dollars each year because of hi s work creating unforgeable checks.
Friday, May 24, 2019
English Technology Essay Essay
The amazing thing about cell phones is that they are no longer just routined for calling or textbooking. They expect become an indispensable multi-tool wonder. Todays cell phone is cutting-edge technology at your fingertips. With this in mind, should students be permitted to manipulation cell phones in schooltime? I believe they should not just be permitted to use cell phones they should be required to use them. Cell phones dont just suffer students to stay connected with family and friends, they are also an excellent learning resource, and they get ahead the trustworthy use of technology.To begin with, cell phones make it possible for students to stay in touch with family and friends. A student sens call home and ask a family member to bring them a forgotten assignment or lunch money or to come pick them up if they are sick. Also, cell phones allow parents to keep track of their childrens whereabouts before, during, and after school. And, of course, theres forever and a d ay the possibility of a student needing to contact a parent because of a dangerous situation.Thus, having a cell phone is like having a guardian angel. Students flowerpot also connect with friends, but not just because its a fun thing to do A teacher can ask to text or email friends when they are absent to let them know whats going on in class and to inform them of any homework. When used responsibly, a cell phone can be an excellent communication tool. Also, cell phones especially smart phones are a great learning resource. Students can use tools such as the calculator, a map causeer, and the calendar.You can use cell phones for all classes to keep track of homework. Instead of having to go to the computer lab teachers can let students use their smart phones to do enquiry when doing group work, or working on a project. For example, if you have to study for ecology you can research on local jobs having to do with protecting the environment right from your classroom seat. Plus th ere are lots of great learning websites including essay-writing websites we can use to supplement the learning in classes like English.Cell phones are a quick and easy way to incorporate technology in the classroom. Finally, cell phones encour date the responsible use of technology. Students can learn when and how to use their cell phones to enhance their learning. They provide become more independent in their work and more motivate to learn. Students like being allowed to make choices, and they understand consequences. If a student is texting when he/she should be paying attention to the teacher, the teacher should sate the cell phone temporarily away.No big deal. Before a test, all cell phones should be placed on the teachers desk with no problems. By allowing the uses of cell phones, students will feel like they are being treated like responsible young adults, and they will appreciate that. If teachers are patient, understanding, and consistent, students will surely become re sponsible users of technology in schools. In conclusion, people who oppose the use of cell phones in school do it because of the disruptions and distractions cell phones can cause.But we must cause that we live in a world of technology and that cell phones are an important and very useful part of that world. We miss out if we fail to take advantage of the educational power of the cell phone. All in all, cell phones improve communication, provide learning resources, and encourage appropriate use of technology. Teachers and administrators must find ways to incorporate this excellent multi-tool in our schools. As youve learned from this essay, its really not that difficult. Lets make the most of the day and age we are living in.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Chef Satisfaction Essay
The findings showed that employees course gratification directly and imperiously limits organizational consignment, but does not directly influence contrast murder. Employees transaction enjoyment enkindles rent out action only through organizational consignment. Internal marketing, authorisation and leading also positively influence duty satisfaction. Empowerment and leadership sharpen employees organizational commitment. Internal job stress negatively influences employees job satisfaction and external job stress enhances employees job performance.According to the findings, this paper realized the main factors which influence hospitality assiduity employees job satisfaction, organizational commitment and job performance, which finish function as criteria for human resource management in the hospitality exertion. mark words Hospitality industriousness, job satisfaction, organizational commitment, job performance. With the change of the industrial structure in rec ent years, the output value of the value industry has operate more than 70% of the GDP in most advanced countries (CIA, 2009). Thus, the service industry plays a significant role in national economic development.In 2008, as the world encountered a financial tsunami, the governments of different countries needed potential service industries and supported them with resources, in rewrite to energize economic development. The hospitality industry is a typical service industry, and it is critical service industry around the world. In Taiwan, the scale of the hospitality industry has been increasing year by year. According to the Statistics Department, Ministry of stinting Affairs, in 2001 the business volume of the hospitality industry in Taiwan was NTD 261. 3 billion.In 2006 it passed NTD 300 billion and in 2009 it reached NTD 321. 7 billion. However, the hospitality industry refers to labor services and relies on stool force in beas such as production, delivery and restaurant ser vice. Thus, the hospitality industry is mainly based on services. As mentioned in Bitners (1995) framework of the service marketing triangle, service providers play a critical role in the service industries. In service industry management, regarding the importance of employees, Heskett et al. (1994) proposed the framework of service profit chain.In the service profit chain, there are critical linkages among familiar service *Corresponding author. E-mail ccchengmail. tcmt. edu. tw. Tel +886-2-28102292 ext. 5009. telecommunicate +886-2-2810-6688. Tsai et al. 4119 timberland, employee satisfaction/productivity, the value of services provided to the customer, customer satisfaction and companys profits. This chain shows that internal service quality can enhance employee satisfaction, which will enhance employee productivity and nurture result in external service value and enhanced customer satisfaction. Finally, the company can make a profit (Zeithaml et al. , 2009).Therefore, cont ented employees make live up to customers. Service personnel satisfaction significantly influences organizational commitment and job performance on customer satisfaction and corporate in operation(p) performance (Ladkin, 2002 Dunlap et al. , 1988 Tansuhaj et al. , 1988 Chowdhary, 2003 Yang and Chen, 2010). How to enhance service personnel satisfaction, organizational commitment and job performance is a critical issue in service industry management. In past research on employee satisfaction, organizational commitment and job performance, more scholars (Babin and Boles, 1998 Bernhardt et al. 2000 Van Scotter, 2000 Koys, 2003 Testa, 2001) have validated that employees job satisfaction positively influences job performance and organizational commitment. In studies on factors of employees job satisfaction, job performance and organizational commitment, the service profit chain proposed by Heskett et al. (1994) and service marketing management molding indicated by Tansuhaj et al. (198 8) on overall service industry both demonstrated that managements internal marketing activities produce job satisfaction and commitment to the organization.In addition, many studies have found close relationships between leadership, employee satisfaction, organizational commitment and job performance (Billingsley and Cross, 1992 Yammarino and Dubinsky, 1994 Burton et al. , 2002 Avolio et al. , 2004 Chen and Silverthorne, 2005). The above studies have mainly think on the educational service industry, retail industry, manufacturing service industry, health check service industry and governmental institutions, but have not conducted indepth explorations on the hospitality service industry.Hopfl (1994) indicated that in the service delivery, firstline employees must be empowered to some degree in order to cope with customers special demands. Thus, job empowerment can be treated as grand management to encourage first-line service personnel and immediately solve customers differential demands. Avolio et al. (2004), Caykoylu et al. (2007) and Chen et al. (2008) respectively conducted empirical studies on medical personnel and employees of the telecommunication industry, banking industry and postal industry, and found that empowerment positively influences employee satisfaction and organizational commitment.One issue worthy of further study is the terminus of how empowerment positively influences hospitality industry employee satisfaction and organizational commitment. In addition, first-line employees face different customer demands and supervisor requirements, therefore job stress is a critical issue for them. Jamal (1990) and Jex (1998) suggested that reducing employees job stress could enhance employees job satisfaction and job performance. Williams and Cooper (2002) and Ouyang (2009) indicated that proper job stress would enhance employees job performance.In the hospitality industry, the influence of job stress from external customers and internal supervisors on employees job satisfaction and job performance is an issue worthy of further exploration. Based on the above, internal marketing, leadership, empowerment and job stress are possible factors of service industry employees job satisfaction, organizational commitment and job performance, and these factors are validated in various service industries.However, the outcomes in different service industries are not the same. For the hospitality industry, it is important to validate and analyze the influences of the above factors on employees job satisfaction, organizational commitment and job performance. Thus, this study intended to combine internal marketing, leadership, empowerment and job stress and proposed an integrated model of hospitality industry employees job satisfaction, organizational commitment and job performance.Hospitality industry employees in Taipei City were treated as the subjects, and the researcher probed into factors of hospitality industry employees job satisfacti on, organizational commitment and job performance in order to function as criteria for management in the hospitality industry. LITERATURE REVIEW Job satisfaction The term job satisfaction was proposed by Hoppock (1935) who suggested that job satisfaction means employees emotions and attitude toward their jobs, and is their subjective reaction toward their jobs.The definition of job satisfaction is generalized into trinity categories (1) exposition of generality Job satisfaction refers to the affective reaction to ones job as the most (Ozer and Gunluk, 2010). Job satisfaction, which is one of the most important necessities for an individual to be successful, happy and productive, is a feeling of satisfaction, that is, an outcome of the perception of what the job provides for an individual (Ay and Av aro lu, 2010) (2) Definition of departure This refers to the degree of satisfaction and the difference between ndividual actual returns and required returns. For instance, Porter and L awler (1968) suggested that the degree of satisfaction depends on the difference between a persons actual returns and expected returns (3)Definition of criterion framework Peoples subjective perception and interpretation on objective traits of organizations or jobs would be influenced by individual criterion framework. According to Smith et al. (1969), job satisfaction is the outcome after a person interprets the job traits harmonise 4120 Afr. J. Bus. Manage. o the criterion framework. The influence of certain work situations on job satisfaction is related to many factors, such as comparisons between good and bad jobs, comparisons with others, personal competency and past experience, etc. Job performance Kane and Lawler (1976) suggested that job performance refers to the record of the results when employees have practiced a job for a certain period of time. According to Schermerhorn (1989), job performance refers to the quality and quantity accomplished by individuals or groups aft er fulfilling a task.After a certain period of time, measurements of employees job performance could serve as criterion for promotions, wage adjustments, rewards, punishments and evaluations. Cascio (2006) suggested that managers must specifically define performance to allow the teams or employees to recognize the organizational expectations in order to fulfill the organizational goals. In other words, managers must set concrete goals, trace the fulfillment degree and evaluate the teams or employees performance.Van Scotter and Motowidlo (1996) suggested that employees with a high degree of job enthusiasm will demonstrate extra try and devotion, and will actively seek out solutions to problems at work in order to enhance their job performance. Robbins (1998) divided the measurement of job performance into job result, job behavior and personal traits. Lee et al. (1999) divided job performance into efficiency, efficacy and quality. Efficiency refers to the employees output rate and is the ability to accomplish tasks before deadline. strength refers to the employees goal accomplishment rate and proposals. Quality refers to the employees error rate and complaint rate, supervisor satisfaction, customer satisfaction and colleague satisfaction. This study suggested that in the application of this compose to measure hospitality industry employees job performance, efficiency should refer to the employees speed in customer service, efficacy should mean the accomplishment of tasks assigned by customers, and quality should mean the employees performance in customer service.As to measurement, Shore and Thornton (1986) indicated that self-evaluation allows individuals to participate in performance evaluation and serves as a criterion. Based on the above, according to the views of Lee et al. (1999), this study divided job performance into efficiency, efficacy and quality, and measured hospitality industry employees job performance using employee self-evaluation. Smith et al . (1969) proposed the Job interpretation Index (JDI) to measure job satisfaction, with the constructs including wage, promotion, job, supervisors and colleagues.Black and Gregersen (1997) found a positive correlation between job satisfaction and job performance. Organ (1990) suggested that when employees are satisfied with their work, they are willing to sacrifice themselves and devote to their organization. Organizational commitment From the perspective of attitude, Porter et al. (1974) indicated that organizational commitment is a persons active and positive intention to identify with and internalize organizational goals and value.According to Reyes and Pounder (1990), organizational commitment is the strong belief and intention to identify with organizational value, devote to and puzzle with the organization. Mathews and Shepherd (2002) suggested that organizational commitment refers to workers attitude, behavior and connection between individuals and the organization. Guest (1 995) indicated that organizational commitment is at the core of human resource management. It transforms traditional manpower management into the core of human resources.Organizational members attitude or intentions particularly indicate the importance of employees organizational commitment. Dee et al. (2006) suggested that organizational commitment is a persons intention to devote to and be loyal to the organization. Lambert et al. (2006) suggested that organizational commitment is the structural phenomenon of trading between individuals and organizations. It increases with time, but it does not lead to a moveable investment outcome. Thus, in supposititious study and practical use, scholars have valued organizational commitment in human resource management.In recent years, many scholars have probed into organizational commitment from the view of Porter et al. (1974). Thus, this study also followed the above view and divided organizational commitment into value commitment, effort commitment and retention commitment. This study further treated these three constructs as criteria to measure hospitality industry employees organizational commitment. Definitions of these constructs are thus shown (1) Value commitment a strong belief and identification with organizational goals and values. 2) Effort commitment the intention to devote more to the organization. (3)Retention commitment a strong intention to incubate being part of the organization. Internal marketing Internal Marketing (IM) is the process of handling staff as internal customers and projects as internal products that satisfy the of necessity and desires of the customers and adhere to the companys goals (Berry and Parasuraman, 1991). Rafiq and Ahmed (1993) suggest that internal marketing involves a planned effort to overcome organizational resistance to change and to align, motivate Tsai et al. 4121 nd integrate employees towards the effective implementation of corporate and functional strategies. Josep h (1996) suggested that internal marketing is can be applied to marketing and human resource management, combining theoretical techniques and principles in order to encourage, recruit and manage all employees in the organization and constantly improve external customer service and mutual services. In addition, Ahmed et al. (2003) specify internal marketing as the employees evaluation of the reward system, internal communication, training and development of the company.Internal marketing empirical research in the service sphere has proven that internal marketing has influenced on internal customers (that is, employees) satisfactions. Berry and Parasuraman (1991) suggested that the advantages of internal marketing implementation in organizations are as follows (1) To acquire and keep comminuted talent (2) to provide a common vision so that employees have job purpose and meaning (3) to give employees the ability and knowledge to accomplish the work (4) to encourage employees to share the results of teamwork (5) to create job designs be based on the findings of marketing studies.The aforementioned views reveal that corporate implementation of internal marketing allows employees to enhance service quality, which increases the production and profits of the companies. The implementation of internal marketing in the organizations results in an internal service culture, raises service consciousness and increases profits (Parasuraman et al. , 1985). Based on the views of these scholars, internal marketing is critical for organizations and influences external marketing to further enhance customer satisfaction.According to the these definitions and based on the views of Rafiq and Ahmed (1993) and Ahmed et al. (2003), this study treated employee evaluations of reward systems, internal communication, and training and development of companies as criterion for measuring internal marketing of the hospitality industry. Leadership Leadership refers the process of influencing t he team to accomplish the goals (Robbins and Coulter, 2005). Leaders are key success factors of an organization ( basso, 1985 Daft, 2002).Skillful leaders recognize and use the interpersonal relationships of the team and strengthen the members loyalty and morale. Effective leaders must use up skills such as patiently sharing information, trusting others and recognizing the timing of interventions (Steckler and Fondas, 1995). In recent years, numerous scholars have tried to discuss leadership from new perspectives. naked studies of leadership theory have particularly stressed the influences of demands between leaders and subordinates, the interaction of personality traits and situational factors on leadership (Bargal and Schmid, 1989).Corporate leaders must select a proper leadership according to their subordinates different demands for supervision, in order to enhance employee satisfaction and fulfill expected goals. Bass and Avolio (1997) divided leadership into transformational leadership and transactional leadership. In transformational leadership, subordinates trust, respect and are loyal to their leaders. Leaders can develop their subordinates potential and enhance their confidence by changing their values and beliefs in order to increase their organizational commitment, intention and motivation to create exceptional outcomes.Transformational leadership can be divided into ideal traits, ideal behavior, the encouragement of inspiration, and the stimulation of erudition and individual care. In addition, transactional leadership means leaders and members remain in the process of negotiation and mutual benefit instead of a persistent one-purpose relationship. favorable exchange theory is treated as the theoretical base. When subordinates act according to their leaders expectations, they will have returns with a specific value. Transactional leadership can be divided into contingent rewards, and active and passive exceptional management.Most quantitative s tudies on leadership have created questionnaires using the MLQ scale designed by Bass and Avolio (1997). The MLQ scale includes two constructs (transformational leadership and transactional leadership). This study also designed a leadership questionnaire for the hospitality industry according to the MLQ scale. Empowerment Empowerment signals a modulation away from traditional development that confined peoples role to that of passive recipients, effectively rendering them dependent on handouts in the form of hostile aid (OGorman, 1995).Bowen and Lawler terzetto (1992) define empowerment as sharing with frontline employees four organizational ingredients (1) Information about the organizations performance (2) rewards based on the organizations performance (3) knowledge about contributing to organizational performance (4) power to make decisions that influence organizational direction and performance. Murat and Thomas (2003) suggested that empowerment does not simply refer to tellin g employees that they are empowered, but aims to allow the employees to recognize what power has been authorized.Boudrias et al. (2004) suggested that in managerial circles, empowerment application includes two types (1) Empowering the tariff of decision-making to subordinates while emphasizing rich work environments 4122 Afr. J. Bus. Manage. and diverse authority, information, resources and support, and providing the opportunity to learn in order to improve performance (2) psychological empowerment, which refers to employees experiences of empowerment that are inferred as a mediating variable of empowerment and expected results.According to Sherman (1996), empowerment acknowledges that employees have the power to change in order to encourage employees to increase their competency. Kanter (1993) suggested that empowerment can keep employees from feeling helpless. Organizations could thus reduce negative effects such as low morale. The most significant effect of empowerment is to en hance employees abilities and self-efficacy (Conger and Kanungo, 1988).Bowen and Lawler III (1992) suggested the advantages of empowerment for organizations below (1) To rapidly respond to customer demands and questions (2) a high degree of employees job satisfaction (3) positive interactions with consumers (4) employees with creative thoughts (5) the creation of loyal customers. close to the definition of psychological empowerment, Spreitzer (1995) defines this concept as the psychological state that employees must experience for managerial empowerment interventions to be successful.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Summary of “An Historical Preface to Engineering Ethics”
Summary of An Historical Preface to Engineering Ethics Michael Davis, in his article An Historical Preface to Engineering Ethics clarifies some misconceptions about engineering intuition and distinguishes the differences between science and engineering by showing progressions through level. He makes a point to disprove engineer turned historian, Eugene Ferguson on his criticism that engineers get to no consideration for human eudaemonia by proving that not that do engineers have a deep consideration for human welfare, but that completely of Fergusons criticisms of engineering are actually compliments given engineers military origin.Davis first depicts the progression of the comment of technology from ancient Greece to modern times, showing how the concern of technology and thus engineering has grown over time. The modern day definition being the study of how to make manual labor easier, and the ancient Greece definition being the study of manual labor, and since mental labor is more respected than manual labor, engineering has become better respected over time. He disqualifies the misconception that science preceded technology and is therefore older and better than engineering by showing how some inventions predated the science that explains them.He even argues that engineering is better than science because it applies scientific friendship to make things useful. Davis clarifies that engineering is not the same as technology. Technology being the creation of tools, and engineering being the planning and instruction for others to implement that creation. He shows the history of engineering and how it started in the military, branching out from France to other countries, progressively sophisticating over time. Beginning with engineers in the infantry, creating weapons such as catapults and artillery, France eventually found need of a congregation of the engineers.They founded an organization called the corps du genie, which proved really useful in incre asing the flow of knowledge and skills and providing records for later use. In just a few short years, they were acclaimed all over France for their advances in military construction. Davis shows that the basis of all modern day engineering originated from the corps and officially started in the 1700s when they finally came to understand what they could do as engineers and what they wanted to do. After this, he proceeds to show how he Ecole Polytechnique school, which practically perfected engineering curriculum, was formed in France and how its curriculum was adopted by the US. The first engineering school in the US, the West Point military academy, was founded on this curriculum. Davis includes these facts about history, not lonesome(prenominal) to differentiate between science and engineering and to clarify misconceptions about engineering, but also to disprove historian Eugene Fergusons criticism of engineering. Ferguson criticizes engineering as unethical he believes that engi neers do not care about human welfare.Davis agrees with Fergusons points about engineers, but argues that they are not criticisms, but compliments and that engineers do in fact have a deep consideration for human welfare. Ferguson criticizes engineers for being efficient, creating labor-saving devices, putting control into systems, favoring the majority, and treating engineering as a means to an end quite an than a means to satisfying human welfare. Davis argues that the first four are actually commendable qualities given engineers military origins, and that engineers do hold human welfare paramount and have since very early in their history.Since very early in engineerings history human welfare has been held paramount. From almost the very beginning, even back in the 1700s, human welfare was of great importance to engineers. The Ecole Polytechnique in France was noted for their regard for human welfare back in the 1700s and England had the same attitude as France in regard to this as well. In 1828, Thomas Trigold, a member of The British Institution of Civil Engineers was asked to define courtly engineering and he defined it as an art of directing Nature for the convenience of man.Davis states that these beliefs still hold true in todays society, the only thing that differs is the engineers code of ethics, to stay consistent with ordinary morals as they differ. Davis argues that even before engineers created a code of ethics involving human welfare that they were not unethical, because they were not expected to hold it paramount, and that they were not unmoral, because not holding the public welfare as paramount is not unmoral in any ordinary comprehend of morality.Davis ultimately concludes that engineers do have high consideration for human welfare. Through historical references, definition contrasts, and counterargument, Davis provides a solid argument that engineering at its amount is based upon the advancement of man, and thus human welfare. Word Cou nt 767 Citation Davis, Michael. An Historical Preface to Engineering Ethics. Science and Engineering Ethics 1995 33-44. Print.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Kimbell Art Museum Essay
The Kimbell Art Museum at Fort Worth, Texas houses some of the most exquisite and fascinating art pieces. The museum boasts of its wide array of collection of paintings, sculptures, potteries and other diachronic and cultural artifacts from all over the world. Visiting this place is like going through a time machine because of the many artworks from different periods in history that you can see and even touch. Visitors can enjoy both the beauty of the old and the new and at the same time comprehend the perspectives of the traditional and the avant-garde. antiquated masterpieces that date back as old as the prehistoric period are displayed alongside youthful artworks. Most of the collections exhibited at the museum had existed way before I was even born. Meanwhile, there are also items that are so recent that I am not even aware of them. The diversity of paintings, sculptures and other artworks is so overwhelming that it inspires the visitors to be in touch with their creative or a rtsy side. The various collections and exhibitions are not the only attractions of the museum because the museum itself is also considered as a work of art.The modern design of the building and the manner the space and the natural light were utilized enhanced the experience of the art (Kimbell Art Museum). Moreover, when I was looking around in and out of the museum, I stumbled upon a collection of a few Greek art pieces. In this part of the museum, there was this one object that caught my attention and interest. To grant my curiosity, I went closer to see the object up-close and to learn more about it. It was a black vase with red graphics multicoloured on it.According to the description, the vase was credit to Brygos Painter which was made around 490480 B. C. during the late archaic period (Kimbell Art Museum). Back then, the red-figure and black-figure vases were the prominent works of art made by skilful artists. These vases were constructed found on their specific functions for everyday and ritual activities. Meanwhile, the pictorial decorations provide insights into many aspects of Athenian life and complement the literary texts and inscriptions from the Archaic and, especially, Classical periods. This particular vase is called the lekythos or the one-handled oil jug. Moreover, Brygos Painter was considered as a second-generation master of the red-figure style. Most of his masterpieces exuded freshness and vigor of Late Archaic art (The Metropolitan Museum of Art). On the illustration painted on the vase, it displayed the image of a Greek god called Eros who is also known as the god of love. In this particular visual representation, he was visualized as an archer with wings with a bow and arrow.Also, Eros was nude with only a mantle covering his shoulders. Meanwhile, the facial expression was stoic only when with a hint of serene concentration as Eros get ready to draw his bow. In this period, the mastery of human form was not that obvious but a rtists were able to provide a close depiction of the human body which was shown in the muscular definitions of the body of Eros specifically at the chest of drawers and torso area. More so, the figure lacked depth emphasizing the two-dimensionality feature of the painting.The position of Eros, with the right foot slightly bent with the left foot stretched and unite with the extended arms pointing to the left holding the bow and arrow, showed motion. Through this body gesture, the artist was able to create movement for the figure which at that time was considered as a sophisticated painting technique. Additionally, the series of repetitive intricate patterns drawn all over the vase gave the painting texture making it more interesting and visually appealing.Also, the floral design on the base of the neck of the vase provided fluidity to the overall painting because of the curves and various shapes incorporated.Works CitedAbout the Museum. 2008. Kimbell Art Museum. 19 November 2008 . Athenian Vase film Black- and Red-Figure Techniques. 2008. The Metropolitan Museum of Art. 19 November 2008 . Greek. 2008. Kimbell Art Museum. 19 November 2008 .
Monday, May 20, 2019
Mozart Sonata Essay
The succession of the moments (Bach Toccata in D minor, Mozart Sonata in B flat, Liszt Transcendental Etude No. 9, and Rachmaninoff Sonata no. 2 in B-flat Minor) are arranged in order to typify the transgression of practice of medicine development from the contrapuntal churrigueresque form represented by Johann Sebastian Bach, the gradual transposition of the sonata form between the rococo and classical eras finished Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, and the combination of tonal heftiness and virtuosity as found in the compositions of Franz Liszt and Sergei Rachmaninoff.Each composition is characterized through the era in which it is composed in order to understand the development of musical forms, styles, and influences from the early17th century to the late 18th century. Bach represented the unmitigated polyphonic harmony of the era characterized through two independent tonal forms in the melody and deep which separated may stand alone as two separate melodies but combined, the t ones form another(prenominal) unalike melody which sharply represents the detailed heaviness of the baroque era, not only characterized in music but also art disciplines as salubrious (Griffiths 101).Mozarts sonatas are generally identified as playful tunes ranging from early pieces which show influences of other composers such as Franz Joseph Haydn to later developments which clearly show Mozarts musical genius. His sonatas are a gradual transition from the polyphonic form to the utilization of the monophonic or single melody form. On the other hand, Liszt and Rachmaninoff represented a total break from the early baroque/classical periods wherein the romantic period identified their works to be focused on expression or emotion while maintaining regard from the development of the classical sonata form.Liszts compositions are noted for its technical truelove and virtuosity requirement while Rachmaninoffs compositions are generally heavier compared to the varying degrees of tonal social system found in Liszts (Copland 91). First, we analyze Bachs Toccata in D minor. Mainly one of the most perceptible pieces in music, the composition is arranged for the pipe organ where the instrument magnifies the full grandeur of the composition as well as the sound of the instrument itself. The piece is actually followed with a fugue which is generally the redirect examination the contrapuntal polyphonic style of the Toccata.As mentioned, the piece is an example of polyphonic structure where the melody and sea bass are two separate melodies that produce one harmony. Tempo in common time, the whole structure of the piece is free form with a slight repetition of the national followed by a serial publication of thematic development. The color is somehow dark, generally typified by the heavy sound of the instrument itself as well as the tonal forte of the chords. On the other hand, Mozarts sonata sharply contrasts with the color of Bachs as the melody is lighter with the te mpo set to a fast yet playful manner.The piece is separated into three movements and as the title suggests, it is structured in the sonata form identified through the introduction, exposition, development, critical review and coda. Meanwhile, Liszts ninth Transcendental Etude vary from a change in color and tone through the succession of octaves which give emphasis on the opposition of high and low tones. The piece is also different in the sense that the melody is much more expressive or romantic through arpeggios and the waggery of the scales compared with Mozarts playful theme. Lastly, Rachmaninoffs Sonata no.2 in B flat is much heavier compared to the aforementioned(prenominal) compositions because of the emphasis on color and tone. In contrast with Liszts, the composition opens with a sudden crash of octaves which lay out the heavy theme of the piece. The gradual development into the second movement becomes reminiscent of the Liszts romantic theme but still identified with he aviness as found in the first movement. Works Cited Copland, Aaron. What to pick up for in Music. New York, N. Y Signet Classics, 2002. Griffiths, Paul. A Concise History of Western Music. Cambridge, UK New York Cambridge University Press, 2006.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Putting the Enterprise Into the Enterprise System
Davenports article Putting the Enterprise into the Enterprise transcription discusses the pros and cons of Enterprise poplines. These systems gather datamanufacturing, sales, logistics, financial, etc. , and then pull this data into a central warehouse that helps companies make informed business decisions. However, the Articles main theme is, that while these can be powerful tools for an organization, the adoption of a cookie cutter solution may be counterproductive.The part that near interested me was the Articles discussion that very often a software system designed by the software experts may, in fact, remove the competitive edge of that company. While we tend to think of cipher systems as enhancing operations and making them more efficient through faster communication, automation, removing the look at for people, etc. , I had never thought of them as having the potential to remove a companys competitive advantage.Competitive advantage, of course, is doing something diametr ic that makes your company better than the others. The difference, as cited in the Article, is typically the service, speed of delivery, etc. , and not the product itself. If, however, you and your competitor all sign up for the same or similar systems that define your business methods, then you startle to operate the same. Now all you have to compete on is price, which is going to squeeze margins.Of course there is a way around this, as the Article discusses, and that is to customize the system to match your existing processes and differentials so that you get the benefits of the efficiencies where you want them, but still maintain the uniqueness that makes your customers continue to come to you. This Article should be read by any company that is about to embark on the integration of an Enterprise System into their organization.The Article gives a lot of good pointers, particularly on the last page of the items to consider and the need for people who truly understand the company s methods of operations and DNA to ensure that these carry on even after the software is introduced. For the cost investment of such software, it is vitally important that an organization comes out with a product that makes them better and stronger and doesnt get pulled down to be just another hotshot of the pack.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Peace and Order
peace of mind treaty and ordeR is an occurrence of harmony characterized by the privation of violence, impinge behaviors and the exemption from fear of violence. Commonly understood as the absence of hostility and retribution, peace in addition suggest sincere attempts at reconciliation. Peace is usually the period in which there is now warf are or any other kind of hostilities. It refers to the moment in life where citizenry enjoy baredom from chaos and disagreements which is marked by harmonious relationships between people Dugan, M. (2003.The absence of war between people can likewise be termed as peace. Peace in addition refers to a time when someone is free from any kind of strife. In addition, peace refers to the stillness, serenity and silence that exist between people in a busy moment in their life. We can also talk of peace in a particular country when we refer to the time when the people living there abide by legal philosophy and order. Peace usually has several attributes. One of the attributes of peace is lack of war. For there to be peace, there should non be war or even any kind of hostility.Serenity, silence and stillness are also other attributes peace Portilla, J. (2004). Another attribute of peace is harmony that prevails between people who are peacefully living together. Peace is also characterized by adherence to law and order in a partnership. The major(ip) focus of peace in a society is to terminate war and hostility in that particular society. According to Rinehart, M. (1995), peace is also characterized by tranquility and concord in a particular society peace must be in agreement with one another for them to live in peace.Peace in the world reflects law and order and a state of the absence of war in that particular society. Peace is historically seen as the presence of law and order in the society. There are several approaches to postulate about peace in a society. According to Christine D et al, (2008), different approache s are followed in the efforts to get under ones skin about peace. First, people have to ensure that they observe law and order to avoid causing conflicts that are the main cause of war.Countries can also embark on ensuring peace in the nation by providing job opportunities that allow people to live in harmony with one another. More so, governments can also employ people like the police to ensure law and order that contribute to peace. Peace helps in conflict resolution in the society. When people are in conflict, it means that there is no peace between them. When peace is ensured between people, conflicts are terminated. Therefore peace is very essential in conflict resolution.
Friday, May 17, 2019
Anthropology sociology Essay
Culture as defined by anthropologist Tylor is that complex whole which includes the knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, customs, and each early(a) capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society. Greenblatt recognizes this definition as vague and to a greater extent of a gesture towards other more specific cultures such as y surfaceh culture or human culture. He makes his most definitive statement about culture when defining what it does non refer to- materials. panegyric and satirical writing are both involved with the praise and blame of literature.Panegyric takes on the praise by positively reinforcing societal structures. Whereas, satire plays the blame card working towards pointing out the faux pas of society. Cultivation is the internalization and practice of a code of manners. Exchange is the means in which mobility is achieved. It is the borrowing of plots and adaptations from other literary works that arent necessarily a part of the writers culture. Exc hange is the transmittal of other cultures. Exchange reaches beyond the social constraints of society.Culture is created through this praise and blame system that takes rear both inside the text and as well as in society. Which works of literature are glorified and held up by a society? And which works of literature are looked down upon by society? majuscule artists are agents of mobility. Riding this in between zone of praise and blame they represent the and the possibility of improvisations amongst a particular society. Literature in this sense is both a byproduct of culture but besides literature aids in creating the social restraints of a culture.These two concepts constantly reinforce each other in a circular way making both the mobility and the constraints of culture a possibility. This idea of mobility and constraints also bring to mind the authors intention. It seems to me that the author will inherently represent culture in his/her writing because that is what is know n that would be the part that wasnt intended, the constraints of society. However, I think cultural exchange and mobility would ease up to of been intended by the authorthe ideal vision of what they think the world should be like.
Thursday, May 16, 2019
Importance of selected accounting and related courses as preparation for a management accounting career Essay
The heart of the global scrimping is undergoing a tremendous growth, which has created favorable conditions for professional development method of accounting c areer paths.. The present job trade is faced with competition and education in a given course choice broadens opportunities. There are numerous types of jobs for individuals to pursuit in the study of accounting with specific necessarys for vocation ranks and particular career clusters. Previously, educators and parents strike played a significant role in assisting students choose career paths perceived to be colligate to economic development and over tout ensemble economic-driving career path. passage clusters demand similar fundamental education and training, skills and knowledge, and career pathways. Also, accounting career, just like other fields offers the professionals the opportunity to rise along the career function from origination level to senior most level.account is the study of the procedure used by a headache line to track expenses, income, assets, and liabilities over time and at the same time adhering to reporting standards. Accounting career deals with the reporting, recording, and summary of the monetary transactions of a business. While many people think that accounting is a thickening career, it is not much about subtracting and adding of numbers, yet about comprehending what those numbers mean and demonstrating the ability to apply and fall out the numbers in an approach that benefits of a business organization. Essentially, accounting revolves around the preparation and analysis of pecuniary statements, which significantly evaluates the success or failures of the company. Accountants act as middle-men between the decision-makers and business activities. As such, they record entropy from transactions and translate it into a meaning and useful information useful to the management, stockholder, customers, employees, government agencies and creditors.See more thanFi rst Poem for You EssayAccounting Career Cluster Accounting clusters in accounting quest providing analysis and interpretation of financial records in order to prepare financial documents for regulatory authorities. The job clusters in accounting include tax advisor, auditor, budget analyst, accountant, and actuary. Clusters in accounting encompass career pathways that record, classify, analyze, summarize, and communicate a business financial information for management decision-making.Public Accountants Individuals in everyday accounting are industrious by public accounting firms. They offer a range of accounting activities from financial analysis, statement preparation, buck private businesses, public firms, non-profit entities and government agencies. Most public accountants are certified public accountants. The most common requirement is a CPA de plaza, yet in that location are some other accountings certificates as well, including certified contrivance examiner, cer tified management accountant, and enrolled agents for those specializing in tax. The entry level of a public accountant is a bachelor power point in accounting or pay and proficiency in Microsoft Office applications. A mid-level public accountant must have a CPA certification an advanced degree like an MBA with a focus in accounting or MAcc is useful (Birrer, 2009). Senior level public accountant requires all the mid-level entry requirements with an MBA, or a MAcc is recommended. monetary Accountant These are accounting individuals that prepares the financial statements based on the general ledgers besides participating in significant financial decisions involving M & A, long-term and financial projections. financial accountants, Birrer (2009) explains, are concerned with how the performance of a company is represented by outside party, loss and currency flow to managers and shareholders. Professionals in financial accounting career path follow the Generally Accepted Accoun ting Principles set by Financial Accounting Standards Board (Birrer, 2009). The requirements of an entry level a live of Arts, Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of business administration. Furthermore, knowledge of bookkeeping, accounting software, accounts payable and receivable. A CPA certification is mandatory for any accountant working for a public company registered with Securities and Exchange Commission. The senior level, however, requires a bachelor in accounting degree or finance or a graduate degree in finance such as MBA. Career paths for financial accountants include staff accountant, bookkeeping, accountant, financial accountant, financial controller, and chief financial officeholder at a senior level.Management Accountants These are individuals employed by public or private companies to support their goals by performing tasks such as budgeting, asset management, speak to management, and performance evaluation. Management accountants develop their career to become budget analysts that are responsible for developing and managing financial plans of an organization. There is also a cost accountant profession that works with consulting, corporations or accounting firms in retail and manufacturing sectors. Management accountants, another career path, involve participation in decisions about capital budgeting, business analysis, and shaping business strategy within a company. Management accountants require a bachelors degree in accounting or finance and strong technology skills, particularly, in Microsoft Excel (Ankers, 2007).Career LadderPublic Accountant According to Institute for Career Research, (2006) reports that the entry level of a public accountant is defined by the types of roles, requirements and job description of pubic accounts. An entry level is a staff accountant, tax personal, or a junior auditor at an accountant firm. Rising through the ranks, the middle level of a public accountant is a senior associate/accountant or tax or a manager for the audit in an accounting firm. The high gearest accounting rank of a public accountant career path is a senior partner/partner or director of a firm also, a certified public accountant in private practice and a corporate accounting executive or a CFO in a private company. In the senior level, executive accounting oversees audits tax, drives strategy and business developed and manage client relationships. CPA in private practice, however, works with clients on tax issues, audits or budget analysis. Finally, a CFO conducts senior level management accountant responsibilities.Financial Accountant The entry level of a financial accountant is a bookkeeper, accountant or a staff accountant for individuals with bachelors degree in arts, science or BA. along the ranks, there is a financial accountant, senior financial analyst and a senior accountant for individuals with all entry level requirements. Besides, strong communications and analytical skills are necessary. The professionals must also demonstrate knowledge of financial regulation. The top most financial accountant career paths include financial director, chief financial officer and a financial controller. These positions require all mid-level entry requirements alongside excellent managerial and interpersonal skills, high standards of accuracy and integrity and a bachelor degree in accounting or finance with MBA in demand(predicate) (Institute for Career Research, 2006).Management accountants entry level becomes staff accountants, junior internal auditor, cost accountant, and a tax accountant. Along the ranks, the professionals become accounting managers, senior internal auditor, and a senior accountant. Moreover, the senior-most level is a controller, CFO, director of finance or accounting. While the entry level requires a bachelors degree, along the ranks, a senior most position in management accountants requires solid management skills, track record of leadership and excellence in the field and knowledge of the organization and accounting principles of United States.Conclusion Discussing career clusters and ladder is such an interesting identification to establish a solid career path. Accounting professionals are tasked with responsibilities in various career paths and distinguishable job ladders. In boilers suit, the accounting field requires professionals to achieve a bachelors degree in accounting or finance alongside special skill and knowledge such as communication, computer software, accuracy, integrity, management skills and overall accounting principles.ReferencesAnkers, R. G. (2007). Opportunities in an accounting career. New York Educational Books Division of Universal Pub and Distributing Corp.Birrer, G. E. (2009). Importance of selected accounting and related courses as preparation for a management accounting career. Ann Arbor, Mich University MicrofilmsInstitute for Career Research. (2006). Career as a certified public accountant CPA crunchin g the numbers and advising businesses and individuals on how to manage their financial affairs. stops Institute for Career Research.Source document
Wednesday, May 15, 2019
IBM Corporation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
IBM Corporation - Essay ExampleStrengths of IBM Corporation include knowledge, relationships, selling and history. The challenges of the bon ton ar based on postgraduate quality of outputs and services. Direct sales force maintains a relationship. Among the weaknesses are high competition and rapidly changing technology market (IBM boosts sales productivity, n.d.). The innovative PC technology is not cheap and that is why not all the potential customers can afford it today. IMB, in contrast to dingle Corporation, tries to maintain high standards of service proposing and selling (the most important) to its customers high quality products. In this case IMB takes into broadside both internal and external stakeholders (Crawford, Benedetto, 2003).Opportunities of IBM Corporation are local area networks, the Internet and training of the staff. The change magnitude opportunities of the Internet offer another area of strength in comparison to the box-on-the-shelf major chain stores (M cDonald, Christopher, 2003). Customers desire much help with the Internet, and IBM Corporation is in a better position to give it to. IBM testament fortify its long-standing commitment to 64-bit computing. For more than three decades, the power of microprocessors has doubled every 18 to 24 months, and most observers foretell that to continue for another 10 years. The same progress is being made in other functions in silicon, such as graphics processing. Some portables will have the full power of desktop machines (Clarke, 2001). The challenges of the company are to follow the technological trends of computer industry and develop new products for professional users. For instance, notebook processors will double in power every two years, to 12 GHz in five years, foretell industry observers. Disks will shrink and may be replaced by solid-state memory. Displays will grow clearer, brighter and more energy-efficient and may even unfold to desktop size. The efficiency of batteries wi ll improve, but perhaps not fair to middling to keep up with power-hungry applications such as multimedia and wireless communications (Anthes, Brewin, 2002). For this reasons, IBM strategies should integrate technology survey provisions early in the design process of major systems and comp wizardnts to allow upgrades during development, exertion and system operation. speak to leadership (Porter, 1985), however, is a sustainable source of competitive advantage only if barriers exist that prevent competitors from achieving the same low costs. In an era of increasing technological improvements in manufacturing, manufacturers constantly leapfrog over one another in pursuit of lower costs. At one time, for example, IBM enjoyed the low-cost advantage in the production (Winograd, 1997). Then the Japanese took the same technology and, after reducing production costs and improving product reliability, gained the low-cost advantage. IBM fought back with a highly automated printer plant in North Carolina, where the design of component parts was slashed by more than 50 percent and robots were used to snap some components into place. Despite these changes, IBM ultimately chose to exit the business the plant was sold (Prahalad, Hamel, 1994).Competitive advantage (Porter, 1985) of IBM Corporation is control more by sales and performance management than by manufacturing and product innovations. The direct sales bewilder (or other near-direct models) has been successful in the U.S., and the industry is moving more in that
Tuesday, May 14, 2019
Materiality in Auditing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 1
Materiality in Auditing - evidence ExampleMateriality is more of a limit point than a main qualitative own that the information must have so as to be significant. It shows the need of omission or presentment of the accountancy information that defines the decision making of the users of that information. The physicalness that is adopted should represent the value in the insure with which it is being determined. It should indicate whether the miss-statements and omissions in the accounts, show whether the accounts offer a confessedly, complete, accurate and fair view of the financial position and performance of an entity. Consequently, materiality represents the degree of error under which the understanding and interpretation of the financial statements entrusting not be greatly affected. On the other hand, it represents the degree of error that is acceptable in prepare to make a decision on whether the accounts are true or false ( female horse and Franca 2012, p.268).Accor ding to Maria and Franca 2012, p.268, the major users of the financial audit reports are the shareholders. The audit report gives a guidance to the shareholders on how they will go about their business and on coming up with strategic decisions. The financial auditor assesses whether the true image of financial statements is observed. The assessment by auditors is necessary so as to ensure that the decisions of the shareholders are not influenced. To determine materiality the financial auditor is supposed to determine the user of the financial information generate how the information and the process of making decisions are connected. He is also supposed to identify what decisions the user will take on the grounds of the audited financial statements. The financial auditor should make important comments regarding the scope of the financial audit that show the materiality. His liability is fixed to the important information established by a materiality determined by the financial audit or on the
Monday, May 13, 2019
The Printmaker and Painter Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
The Printmaker and Painter - Essay ExampleStudying printmaking enabled him to fall out his artistic notions. He is particularly fond of printmaking as it can be extremely spontaneous and tortuous in addition, the combinations and methodologies offered in printmaking lead to endless opportunities. His work stands out as it appears as contemporary as graffiti, although the roots of printmaking can be traced back to the Middle Ages. For him, content is the determinant of the materials and printmaking methodologies that he employs, in the attack to push the simple art of printmaking to its limits. He has a deep-seated desire to explore various components of printmaking and draws fervency from the work of Sean Hillen, Andy Warhol, Gerhard Richter, Jean-Michel Basquiat, and Rene Magritte. Printmaking is an unpredictable art technique as printmakers themselves are not sure of the image until the stem is revealed. More specifically, he utilizes etching to communicate his thoughts and no tions. His prints are intricate and full of technical details, perhaps as a response to the evolving and chaotic world around us. These prints are a reflection of his sentimental answer to the passing of time and experiences. The artist uses biomorphic and geometric images to explore the limitations imposed by time and space and their uphold on humans. These portray notions, emotions and various points in time. He follows no sequential order but alternatively manipulates materials and etching techniques to reproduce feelings. He is of the opinion that humans should not only view themselves as citizenry but also need to consider themselves at various points of time and events.A story of/for M has been inspired from the childhood tales narrated by his Russian grandmother, Marina.
Sunday, May 12, 2019
Create a strategy for the college of business in university of sharjah Term Paper
Create a strategy for the college of telephone circuit in university of sharjah - Term subject Examplee areas that the university specializes in are entrepreneurship training, administration in business, research portfolio and a simulator in the pecuniary market (University of Sharjah, 2014). A number of dynamics continue to arise in the teaching and learning milieu not to mention the job market. The diversification requires that an elaborate picture be established to ensure that in that location is the trigger is within in meeting the predetermined objectives (University of Sharjah, 2014). The university, therefore, seeks to establish itself as a world-class intro in business and counselling programs. To this end, there is a need to establish a strategic plan that will enable the institution becoming an organization of choice not just locally, but internationally (Sutton & Obst, 2011).To become an institution of choice where excellence is derived and conceive ofs realized. The institution also seeks to produce the best business professionals to be able to satisfy the market needs as appropriate. An institution of learning where civilizations meet.One of the major drives is to be a world-class business university capable of attracting students and professionals from all over the world. The strategic positioning of the university makes it easy for the dream to be achieved.Make the university a professional hub where careers can be developed and skills developed. The University seeks to be the only institution where people can come and develop their skills and go out to the field confident of making an impingement in the market.The institution also seeks to be a key consultant in matters concerning business and heed strategies. Consulting services are to be made for every individual with particular interest in venturing into management or people who have a need to learn more about business issues.The business seeks to partner with other institutions t o broaden the mandate of the university to providing quality services to the people and the clients in this case
Saturday, May 11, 2019
Corporate Social Responsibility-GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) Research Paper
Corporate Social Responsibility-GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) - Research Paper ExampleThe healthcare industry is also communicate increased drug consumption after the introduction of healthcare laws.Currently, the mission of the business is more modify than creating profits for the shareholders. The firms are judged not only on profit but also their principles (Jackson & Nelson, 2004). Organizations have a responsibility in fulfilling employees obligations, community, and the environment (Martin, 2002). In order for organization to maintain or restore humankind trust, it should practice incorporated social responsibility. Corporate social responsibility is regarded as a commitment that aligns with the corporate strategic goals concerning pressing societal issues, and portraying awareness of the community need in which the business works. pharmaceutical industries have been pressured to practice corporate social responsibility, especially regarding the HIV/AIDS pandemic (Leisinger, 2005), and product recalls. GlaxoSmithKline has do several commitments in an effort to practice corporate social responsibility. It has introduced a Least Developed solid ground Patent Pool for tropical diseases medicines, which have been neglected due to lack of feasibility. Also, it will reduce prices of procure medicinal products in the least developed countries to 25%.In addition, increase funding for research on diseases in developing
Friday, May 10, 2019
Urgent & Unscheduled Care Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Urgent & Unscheduled Care - Essay ExampleUrgent commission centres shall be open on a continuous and 24-hour basis.Unscheduled mete out can be defined non only as the professional care, but also as the social care provided to a patient who cannot be ignored. The need of the special care is not pre- intend or an appointment with a professional. The concept says that the petition for unscheduled care can possibly incur at any time and the services should be provided in order to fulfil the demands of the one in need. Whenever contacted for, the unscheduled care shall be available. It gives the framework that if the unscheduled care is delayed, it can result in the loss of time or long term disease (Hill 34).The urgent and unscheduled care may have five levels of care at which they are operable. The levels of care are organized in the way of their priorities and type of care required. As the complexity of the problem increases, the volumes of much(prenominal) patients coming for urgent need decreases. This is because the more complex the problem of the patient will be, the more planned and organized the manipulation will be for which there is scheduled care. The levels of care are a strategic framework according to which the hospitals and walk in centres prepare their equipment and professionals.The first level of urgent care is the egotism care. This means the patient is capable enough to provide himself with the immediate care needed, for example an injury happens, so the patient himself washes it, applies an antiseptic and puts on a band-aid. Self care can be provided by the nearby people or family members too. At times self care is provided by professionals through techniques such as the prognosticate and internet. In some countries there are medical professionals who are available on the phone and internet 24 hours a day, so the patient can get the best urgent treatment at home if getting to the hospital may take long (Laird, Wardrope 278).The secon d level of care is
Thursday, May 9, 2019
Leadership in nursing practice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Leadership in nursing class period - Essay ExampleDue to the differences in the Saudi people and the nursing/hospital rung, the Saudi government has come up with requirements for expatriate nurses. The of import requirements for nurses working in Saudi Arabia includeDue to these requirements and other demands placed on the nursing staff of Saudi Arabia, there are various systems and structures in the Saudi care setting. These requirements are very diametrical from what exists in other countries, particularly Western nations. As such, a nurse in Saudi Arabia has an engagement to adjust to meet the requirements of the Saudi society.This paper examines the relationship between management/leadership theories and the actual hurry of a tertiary neonatal unit in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. It involves an evidence based practice approach to examine how a major health facilities can be ran in relation to preponderant concepts and theories of management and leadership in the nursing pr ofession.The research explores the impact of the Saudi governments policy, inter-professional practice and leadership requirements on the role of nursing in Saudi Arabia. The paper concludes with recommendations for future practice in the region.According to Wilson et al (2009), a tertiary level forwardness is usually one that provides education of medical students and serves about 10 million people in a given geographical area. Such tertiary level facilities arrange with primary level facilities and take up serious cases. In a neo-natal facility of such a hospital, intensive care services are available for mothers and their babies.Nursing in such a facility comes with different requirements. There is a larger scope of work. As such, there is the chance for more toilsome cases to be reported to such facilities. Also, the scope of human relations in such an institution is in general meant to be more than it exists in other smaller hospitals.Most tertiary level
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