Saturday, August 31, 2019
From Garden City to Garbage City, Bangalore Essay
A city well reputed as the Information Technology (IT) capital of India, home to many well recognized educational and research institutes like the Indian Institute of Science (IIS), Indian Institute of Management (IIMB), Indian Institute of Fashion Designing (IIFD), Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL), National Institute of Medical and Health Sciences (NIMHANS), Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL), Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), with Infosys and Wipro headquarters, a city fondly nicknamed the â€Å"Silicon Valley of India†is the second fastest growing and developing Indian city. Listed fourth among the top 15 cities contributing to India’s overall GDP it is the country most preferred by the entrepreneurs all over the world. Bangalore is famous as the â€Å"Garden City of India†because of its gentle climate, broad streets, greenery and the presence of public parks, such as Lal Bagh and Cubban Park. Regular flowers shows and biannual flowers shows are he ld at the Lal Bagh gardens during the week of Republic Day (26 January) and Independence Day (15 August) which attracts thousands of tourists from all over the world. see more:essay about bangalore Recapturing my memory, twenty years ago, Bangalore was a small halli (village) surrounded by many small villages with rich fields which was the main reason for Bangalore’s salubrious and fantastic climate. Trees were planted on either sides of the roads which added to the pleasant and cool atmosphere. The roads were deprived of any kind of noise, motor vehicles and pollution. Bangalore was completely surrounded by green carpets. There were innumerable tanks, ponds and lakes all around. All this may sound like a story but this was how wealthy Bangalore was in terms of its greenery and beauty. One would wake up listening to the chirping of birds, feel the cool and pleasant wind blow over their face. The air was pure and rejuvenating. But today Bangalore, India’s showpiece city for its salubrious climate and beautiful gardens is struggling to keep up its label of â€Å"The Garden City Of India†. The reason behind this being the encroachment of agricultural land for industrialization, construction and development, all of which lead to unexpected, unplanned and haphazard change in the Garden City. Holocaust of trees and vegetation occurred when road widening, laying of electric and telephone lines, establishment of industries, buildings and construction of private colonies began. In less than 12 years the Garden City was converted into a globalised IT capital. All the beauty, the charm, the charisma that Bangalore once had being the Garden City of the country appears only in books and is lost in the history. But today the scenario is topsy turvy. And my sweet memories turn bitter when I look at the scenario now. Walking down the lanes the only thing that catches one’s eye sight are the tall sky scrapers, slums, barren lands with mountains of waste and vast stretches of colonies. There is rarely any patch of greenery left on the grounds of a city which was once called the Pensioners ‘Paradise’. BBMP (Bruhat Bengaluru Mahanagara Palike or Greater Bangalore City Corporation) is responsible for the safe disposable of the tonnes of waste generated by the city’s residents. Karnataka’s capital city generates more than 4500 tonnes of garbage everyday which is transported to the outskirts of the city to the landfills of Doddaballapur, Mandur and Mavallipura. The committees around these areas have borne the brunt of the city’s garbage, poisoning their environment and succumbing to innumerable diseases. With the unavailability of any further landfills, and the negligence by the BBMP, Bangaloreans have begun to dump the erratic garbage collection along the road sides. All this is a by- product of the ‘use and throw’ culture. Even the road dividers are not spared. The drains, the pot-holes are over- flowing with the wastes. All this is turning into a grave environmental and public hazard. Animals are dying on a large scale by consuming plastic instead of grass, there is widespread of epidemic among the flora and fauna, climatic conditions, rainfall pattern are getting disturbed. The root cause of the problem begins at household where people fail to segregate the wet(organic) and dry(inorganic) waste. This adds to the burden of spending additional money in segregation. The other culprit has been the nexus between the civil Government and the private contractors who have failed in their obligation to manage and collect the waste on time. To curtail the situation BBMP had announced mandatory dry and wet waste segregation for every household. But people’s negligence forced the BBMP to withdraw its order. A feverish hunt is on for hundreds of acres of land to accommodate the 5000 odd tonnes of garbage generated daily by the city’s eight million population. People blame the contractors and the BBMP for not giving timely service to them and the authorities blame the general public for not taking interest in waste segregation at their home. The blame game is on. It is not that the BBMP has insufficient technology or incapability to handle the waste. Both the local public and the Government should cooperate and hold hands with each other during such a crisis. Tieing up with NGOs and private firms to turn the waste into energy or manure is one such measure to help tackle this problem. Setting up of biogas plants to treat the waste into compost, regular collection and picking up of waste, educating the masses can act as the anchor for BBMP’s sinking ship. The city once called the Garden city is in knee- deep trash today. The tree population is only 17 per 100 people. 74% of the city’s lakes and 66% of the city’s vegetation has been stripped off in the last few years. The sad and bitter truth is that garbage has replaced greenery. It high time that the new Government finds a permanent solution to this garbage menace and bring back the green tag and to prevent â€Å"Brand Bangalore†from getting buried in the mounds of stinking and filthy garbage.
Friday, August 30, 2019
The Indus and Aryan Civilizations, and the Maurya and Gupta Empires in India
The Indus and Aryan Civilizations The Indus civilization, an ancient civilization in South Asia, existed from about 2700 to 1750 BC. It is sometimes referred to as the Harappa civilization; one of its major centers. It stretched from north of the Hindu Kush down the entire length of the Indus and beyond into peninsular India. The Indus civilization is known only from archaeological evidence. Its origins traditionally were viewed as the result of the diffusion of farming and technology from more advanced cultures in Mesopotamia and on the Iranian plateau to Baluchistan and ultimately to the Indus Valley. One of the most important centers of Indus civilization was Mohenjo-Daro, situated along the west bank of the Indus River. Like most cities of the Indus civilization, it consisted of two major areas of occupation: a high citadel to the west and a lower city of domestic dwellings to the east. The Indus people supported themselves by irrigation-based agriculture. They grew domesticated rice, wheat, and barley, and they may have cultivated dates and cotton. Among the first people in the world known to have kept chickens, they also had dogs, buffalo, and humped cattle. They may also have domesticated pigs, horses, camels, and, possibly, elephants. The Aryan was a tribal and nomadic people who lived far away in Euro-Asia. They were unquestionably tough people and they were fierce and war-like. So their culture was oriented around warfare, and they were good at it. The Aryans first settled along the Indus River, in the same place where the Harappa people had lived. They settled down and mixed with the local Indian people. They lived there from about 1500 to 800 BC. It seems to be at this time that the caste system began in India. It was the Aryans who developed Hinduism, and also the classical language of Sanskrit. Aryans created four main castes. The top castes were made up of priests, kings, and warriors. The lowest caste was made up of workers who served the higher castes. Under the caste system, people could not rise to a higher caste. The Maurya and Gupta Empires in India The Maurya Empire was a geographically extensive and powerful empire in ancient India, ruled by the Mauryan dynasty from 321 to 185 BC. Originating from the kingdom of Magadha in the Indo-Gangetic plains (modern Bihar, eastern Uttar Pradesh and Bengal) in the eastern side of the Indian subcontinent, the empire had its capital city at Pataliputra (modern Patna). The Empire was founded in 322 BC by Chandragupta Maurya, who had overthrown the Nanda Dynasty and rapidly expanded his power westwards across central and western India taking advantage of the disruptions of local powers in the wake of the withdrawal westward by Alexander the Great's Greek and Persian armies. By 320 BC the empire had fully occupied Northwestern India. The Gupta Empire was an Ancient Indian empire which existed approximately from 320 to 550 CE and covered much of the Indian Subcontinent. Founded by Maharaja Sri-Gupta, the dynasty was the model of a classical civilization. The peace and prosperity created under leadership of Guptas enabled the pursuit of scientific and artistic endeavors. This period is called the Golden Age of India and was marked by extensive achievements in science, technology, engineering, art, dialectic, literature, logic, mathematics, astronomy, religion and philosophy that crystallized the elements of what is generally known as Hindu culture. Buddhism and Hinduism (Differences ; Similarities) They share some important beliefs – they both believe in reincarnation and the cycle of samsara – birth, life, death, and rebirth and in the influence of karma on the circumstances into which you will be born in the next life. They both believe that the ultimate end is to escape from the cycle of rebirth. The only differences are Buddhism believes in matter and soul and there is no place for God, while Hinduism in addition to matter and soul considers God as the creator of the universe. Buddhism is missionary religion which aims at converting entire mankind to the doctrines of Buddha; while Hinduism never seeks converts and it has no definite organization like the Buddhist sangha.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Final Project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2
Final Project - Essay Example It is clear that the risk factors associated with the Coca Cola Company are either external, or internal. External factors related to Coca Cola mostly depend on the decisions made by other beverage companies, but internal factors arise from the poor strategies, as well as actions, that Coca Cola company implements. Some of these factors include market rates, government regulations, credit, liquidity and cash flows (Adams, 2005). Market rate is the leading financial risk with regards to Coca Cola. The market changes depending on customer interests, demand, supply and new technology, as well. When these factors reduce, it becomes intricate for Coca Cola Company to acquire loans or credit. This might affect them financially. Government regulation is yet another vital financial risk for the Coca Cola Company. It is, however, an external risk. Governments frequently change existing tariffs, and this put new financial regulations in place. Some modifications are beneficial, but it might ta ke a while before companies adapt to the changes. In addition, this creates a financial risk to Coca Cola (Adams, 2005). Techniques that Coca Cola has incorporated to overcome these factors include improving technology, imposing techniques of attracting customers and increasing their supplies (Adams, 2005). The two-year pro-forma financial statement that this paper looked into suggests that the world is totally dollarized (Academic & Students Affairs, 2012). According to the statement, the world is turning into a free market economy with low inflation. The world is mainly anchored on the service industry, heavily weighted on commerce and tourism (Academic & Students Affairs, 2012). According to the pro-forma statement, the world today is founded mainly on a well-developed service sector, which accounts for roughly 80% of the worlds businesses. According to the statement, the output of products, in an
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Change and Continuity in Australia under Gough Whitlam Labor Essay
Change and Continuity in Australia under Gough Whitlam Labor Government - Essay Example This paper will examine change under Whitlam but also aspects of continuity Whitlam is regarded an iconic figure in the political history of Australia, because he was remarkable as an exponent of political and other changes, where many of the changes he pushed for yielded positive impacts – irrespective of the fact that, the benefits of the changes were not openly visible in many cases (Staveley, n.d). Following the diverse interpretation of the effects of the then government – on Australia and also the political rivalry between the opposition and the government headed by Whitlam – the Governor General of the state, John Kerr took the measures of removing Whitlam from office; such a step had not been taken before, throughout the history of Australian politics and administrative roles. The dismissal of the Prime Minister in 1975, led to the end of an administrative era, which was celebrated among some, but which also reshaped the meaning developed around the polit ics of Australia (LINKS, n.d). ... For example, Whitlam’s election in 1967 marked a change from the election of members that held experience as workers prior to their enrolment in politics. The election of Whitlam marked the start of a new system of politics and a new generation of leaders, where the change continued to be mirrored in the parliamentary caucus (Bramble and Kuhn, 1999). The change was continued into the future, which was evident from the statistics that 63 percent of senate and House of Representatives from the Labor party were those from a blue collar background. Following Whitlam’s government, there was a change from the limited focus of the government on international affairs, to the case where it actively participated in international society affairs. The involvement in internal society affairs was marked by the country’s increased engagement of international organizations, and also its participation in the making of international agreements (Australian History, 2006). This chan ge was evident through activities like the opening up of state relations with Communist China (National Archives of Australia, 2009). As an active change agent, he travelled widely, more than the Prime Ministers that came after him, which marked an iconic era in the government’s participation in international affairs. There is also an evident thread of discontinuity from the labor policies of the era under Whitlam’s government. Many of the changes reflect a change from more radical to a more moderate outlook of policy formulation, like it had been suggested by Maddox. Some of the discontinuities mark the changes that appeal to increased capital accumulation, where the scope of programs has been
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Past and Present Politics and Development Research Paper
Past and Present Politics and Development - Research Paper Example In his tour, he learnt that the natives were always hostile to the new people who purportedly brought in new blood into the political organization and development practices of the natives. In the early years, missionaries played a predominant role in changing the political and organizational scenario of the places where they went. The traveling of missionaries to places that had not developed economically marked the beginning of civilization and modernization in most undeveloped or underdeveloped societies. It was only after the insurgence of missionaries that native undeveloped societies began to embrace peace, governance, professionalism such as teaching, soldiers, doctors and bureaucrats all of whom contributed to the common good of the societies. Diamond (1999) believed that the first step to the true development of the society was through the practice of agriculture on commercial basis. Given that the ancient people and not so long ago the undeveloped states had no regular econo mic specialization and land was subdivided among group members and subgroups, the political organization was considered egalitarian. ... d since Eurasia which was blessed with local/indigenous domestic able grain cereals and animals that facilitated traction animals like the donkeys and bulls. This encouraged the development of commercial large scale agriculture which enabled economic growth and also stratified societies such that there emerged social classes. Reasons for Lack of Single or Complex \political Organizations Although Diamond argued that states â€Å"expand and develop based on their level of agricultural practice and that this happens in a virtuous circle†(1999, p. 266), there have been occurrences that counter his argument which in Diamond’s view was assumed and therefore needs to be added to the theory of why states develop and expand. Therefore, it implies that, instead of states eventually growing to large and more complex organizations, there is either unequal growth of societies into becoming on single large complex organization or eventual stagnation of states. This lack of large an d more complex organizations are attributed to internal factors within the States themselves; a fact Diamond does not incorporate in his theory. The first reason is based on the fact that political organizations are slowly, but steadily emerging that is not necessarily egalitarian in nature. In other words the states themselves are greedy and are often unwilling to distribute public funds that are supposed to facilitate growth of complex organizations. Secondly, given the divergent states interests, it is hard or perhaps impossible for the world to attain a single world or complex organization that Diamond proposes (Diamond 1999, p. 290). In the face of democracy and human rights, political organizations and by far autonomy is slowly revolving into a new era of leadership and political authority. In the
Monday, August 26, 2019
Reflective Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Reflective - Essay Example The goal of the essay is reflecting on the learning experience in totality which will make me a comprehensively better practitioner. The nursing reflection in this case will be classified as a tool for importance in elemental learning. In its exclusion, it cannot be entirely expected to develop my clinical practice as I go into the previous situation which I gain the diversely relevant insights for ways in which approaching certain situations again is appropriate. Moreover, the effective form of learning does not overly occur in exclusion of reflection (Jasper 210). The initial comparison I will focus on making regards to neurological assessments. The physiotherapy assessments need to be clear logical processes of ensuring that findings for which there are both transferable and complete skills to others (Wheeler 28). For the placements, I sought to complete at least four comprehensive assessments on my own hence completing the concise objective and subjective investigations. In one o f the wards, I was expected to correctly complete such assessments while writing them up concisely and the feedback I got was that I had not reasoned clinically enough across the objective process that would later relay on the part of the treatment. From Florence Nightingale to the modern day form of nursing, it is inevitable to consider an escape for which nurses have while faced with challenges of being in a position of having a critical impact to the delivery and management of care. Such challenges continue changing across the years even though there is various factors which have insured that, all aspects ranging from the government level all the way to the ground work force coupled with the challenges are well managed and have a positive on change (Hendrick 201). This is based on the advanced of education in terms of having individuals wanting to implement such changes in place. In the long run, Florence was in a position of implementing changes while articulating and having the education of arguing the need for such changes with evidence and facts, across all levels. For today’s world, more pressure is towards nurses in delivering and managing total individualistic care for the ever fluctuating economic climates coupled with the role of nurses in going above and beyond the expectations of previous practice in cases where the wards could be ran by matriarchal matrons (Howatson-Jones 29). They passed their orders to the ‘sisters’ who later enforced them in the ward. The modern day nurses have become rather qualified autonomous professionals towards delivering care that also encompasses the fundamentals, evidence based theory, health promotion, intuition, interdisciplinary working, ethical practice, advocacy, self awareness, autonomy as well as legal frameworks. For this reason, it is through the clarity of the placement experiences for which there are various hours in a given shift for which nurses are able to provide the fundamental car e, liaise with doctors, referrals, observations, social workers, dressing changes, family members while other healthcare professionals as well as the patient themselves are able to include advocacy. For purposes of being in a position of doing this in an effective manner, I understand that nurses need to be skilled
Sunday, August 25, 2019
The Importance to Teach Through the Standards in Science Curriculum Essay - 2
The Importance to Teach Through the Standards in Science Curriculum - Essay Example Science curriculum should be taught by following the standards that must be designed according to the environment of students so that they can make use of their science knowledge in their practical lives. The development of science education has structured more and more recently. So, by looking back at the last century, the curriculum of schools was very basic and everybody used to think about multi-curriculum from his own angle. More in-depth, teaching strategies were clustered around the teacher himself, and he was the center of the classroom. In the beginning, scientists were the one who used to control the science curriculum, and they had the authority for choosing the content to be taught in schools. Thus, it was hard for teachers and students to handle the science subject based on the scientists’ perspective rather than science educators’ perspectives. However, the reformation that was called for by Dewey had taken place in the late 1950s. The development of teaching science as the inquiry has taken place in the 1950s, nevertheless, the years 1955-1974 were called the Golden Age in Education. Numerous findings were poured into education in order to develop curriculum. The 1960s were even enriched with more science projects toward the science curriculum but the reformation was not very clear, until late 1960s when studies showed some achievements and attitude toward science. During the 1970s, the focus of NSF (The National Science Foundation) was on exploring the impact of the new science curriculum such as improving science methods, working in labs and discovering inquiry learning. In the 1980s and 1990s, the development of technology, computer and the World Wide Web were enough to call it a new reformation besides that the beginning of 1990s, it was the beginning of something new, it was the standard era. The complexity of the lifestyle after the 1990s was not only sensed in the States but globally too and the science education became a field for competition through many different
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Nike Corporation Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Nike Corporation - Case Study Example Founded in the year 1972 by a man named Philip Knight who is the co-founder and the Chairman today and by Bill Bowerman both set out with a dream and that has gradually taken the shape of reality. Nike has its head quarters situated in the United States of America and to be more specific it is situated in Beaverton, Oregon. The word Nike has been adapted and taken from the word Nike which was the name of a Greek Goddess of Victory. Nike today has many product lines each of which cater to different sports and sport areas, names such as Nike golf, Nike pro, and Air Jordan are just a few of the lot. And these names are also vastly known as trusted when it comes to the various products that are manufactured and marketed under them. Nike is one company that produces a very widespread range of sports equipment. The first ever products that Nike produced were shoes that could be used as track running shoes and shoes that could be used to play basket ball. Once that started going well they began manufacturing different kinds of sports wear such as jackets and trousers for tennis, football, and cricket etc. Nike belongs to the sportswear and sports equipment manufacturing industry and when it comes to athletic shoes, apparel and other sports equipment it is known to one of the major American suppliers. Nike currently has factories in many countries come of which are China, Taiwan, India, Turkey and Pakistan etc, and to date has about 500 factories working at manufacturing their products. The biggest rivals of Nike currently in the market of sportswear and sports equipment are quite a lot as Nike is seen as a threat to many sports and even some fashion brands but the leading rivals are Reebok which came along in the year 1980. After that the advent of Adidas brought its own level of threat and the rivalry increased for Nike. The board of directors for Nike contains people such as Mark Parker, Timothy D. Cook and Jill Ker Conway. CURRENT SUCCESS STATEGY: The story behind or the reason behind Nike being such a successful company is embedded in its marketing strategies. Besides the advertisement and promotions of its many products there has always been deep focus by the heads of this company on the following details which has lead to it being the leading brand name today. Pricing is one of those details the price of Nike products has always been higher than that pf competitors, its products have always been kept to go with the changing trends and are always upgraded to fit new profiles and the new generation. Placement of sales outlets has been another key detail that has helped. And last but not least the advertisement of its products being shown and made in different times and languages to accommodate their consumers with full understanding and satisfaction guaranteed. That all combined with its catchy brand slogan "just do it" gives the consumer a reliable, trendy and durable product
Friday, August 23, 2019
Virgin Mary of Guadalupe Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Virgin Mary of Guadalupe - Essay Example Mary was at the foot of the cross when Jesus was crucified, and from then on she has been known as the Mother of God and Mother of the Church. Mary lived for years after the crucifixion, and according to the traditions of the Church, told by the early Christians, she was instrumental in the formation of early Christianity, helping and even counseling the members. After her physical death (the Catholics believe that there is life after death), she is believed to have appeared in many instances. She is now ascribed to so many names, depending on the places where she appeared. Such places that are popular and favorite amongst the Catholic faithful are the Fatima (Our Lady of Fatima), Lourdes in France (Our Lady of Lourdes), then the recent Our Lady of Medjugourje. Our Lady of Guadalupe is also very popular in many countries. In the Philippines, the Patroness is the Virgin Mary and many replicas of Our Lady of Guadalupe are placed in churches for the faithful to venerate. She is also known as the Immaculate Conception, the image of this bears the words: "O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recoursed to thee." The feast of the Immaculate Conception is on December 8. ... We see in Mary the figure of the woman from the beginning whose offspring will strike at the ancient serpent's head (Gen. 3:15). (365 Days with the Lord) But the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe is on December 12. In 1999, Pope John Paul II, in his homily from the Solemn Mass at the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe, during his third visit to the sanctuary, declared the date of December 12 as a Liturgical Holy Day for the whole continent. The apparition of Virgin Mary of Guadalupe is one popular among the faithful throughout the world, and is attributed for cures and conversions, especially among the Indians of Mexico. Throughout the world, several replicas have been made of the original image of the Virgin Mary that showed in the tilma as the visionary Juan Diego presented this to the Spanish Bishop Fray Juan de Zumrraga. The origin of the name "Guadalupe" is controversial. According to a sixteenth-century report, the Virgin identified herself as Guadalupe when she appeared to Juan Diego's uncle, Juan Bernardino. It is also suggested that "Guadalupe" is a corruption of a Nahuatl name "Coathlaxopeuh", which is translated as "Who crushes the serpent". The serpent referred to is Quetzalcoatl, one of the chief Aztec gods, whom the Virgin Mary "crushed" by inspiring the conversion of indigenous people to Catholicism. (Wikemedia). In the Immaculate Conception image, the Virgin is seen crushing the head of the serpent (Satan) and this is reflective of the Old Testament, when God sent Adam out of paradise, and made a future reference of the Virgin crushing the head of the serpent. Mara Guadalupe, or just Lupe, is a common female and male name among Mexican people or those with Mexican heritage. (Wikemedia) An account of the apparition states that on
English skills Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
English skills - Essay Example â€Å"Quality in Higher Education â€Å" have a high impact factor. Nevertheless, since it was a qualitative research, there always exists likelihood of slightly inaccurate interpretation of responses of the research participants. This article is primarily about internationalization. While the writers have objectively declared how they understand internationalization i.e. a process that requires sustained effort causing intensification of the relationships among different cultures, yet this definition remains a personal opinion since the writers have not cited a reference for it. Contrary to that, most ideas in the text are supported with evidence. Examples of such ideas include globalization and cultural intelligence. The article was written in the year 2009. It can be considered recent since it was written only about four years ago. The content of the text is very relevant and up-to-date with the contemporary thinking. Most organizations today tend to give international exposure to their employees by making them expatriates. Cultural intelligence and international experience are two of the most appreciated qualities about the candidates for any kind of job today. The writers have fairly complied with all the rules, guidelines and expectations concerning the language, style, structure, referencing and vocabulary that those producing material at University level are expected to follow. The text has a flow of ideas with smooth transition from one to another. The ideas are arranged in the form of points. Sections and headings help the reader understand what a paragraph entails and keep track of the
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Program and Policy Analysis Essay Example for Free
Program and Policy Analysis Essay A gang is a group formed by a number of people, who share a same identity either through formation, or organization. According to Charles (2003), the word gang is often associated with a negative connotation. Gang activities are wide and vary from typical organized groups that involve themselves in crimes, to a general class of certain behavior that carry out a collective action intended to attain social solidarity or cohesion, especially in cults, gangs, political parties or unions. Studies have shown that, various approaches have been applied by the government, the society, law enforcers, and even the experts in an attempt to fight with the social problems caused by various gang groups. The effort is also intended to prevent formation of gangs, to rehabilitate the gangs and punish those who engage themselves in criminal activities within the gang groups. It has been stated that, gang groups differ due to different experiences in culture which include drugs, territory and nightlife. Various Approaches to Gangs The gang culture approach. According to Shaw, McKay (2004), this approach looks at the cultural experiences of the young people as the key factor which leads to the formation of gang groups. Young people and especially the blacks have felt discriminated by the media and other social groups; hence they have a tendency to form gangs by feeling hated and stereotyped. Other factors such as the way in which policies of the local governments are set up, deprivation and racism have contributed to the rise of gangs. The supporters of this approach try to prevent such factors that contribute to formation of gangs, so as to reduce the number of young people joining various gang groups. The aggressive approach is applied by the harsh and conservative governments, who believe that force must be used in order to deal with criminals in the society. Miller (2000) posited that, such governments believe in the application of harsh laws which include the use of guns to fight criminals in the society. These governments employ a Zero-tolerance principle on criminal actions. The main aim and objective of this group is to bring criminal acts in the society to the end by doing away with any gangs that may be causing such evil in the society. The belief of the aggressive governments is that, harsh measures will instill fear to the youth and discourage them from joining gangs. The liberal approach on the other hand opposes the application and the passing of harsh laws in dealing with gangs. The liberal approach is of the view that, softer laws should be applied with the aim of rehabilitating the gang members and making them better people to live in the society. This approach advocates for the formation of rehabilitation institutions, where various criminals are kept for purposes of rehabilitation other than just applying the punishment measures. The sociological approach of deviance starts by describing and explaining gangs. This approach believes that, it is important to first understand the causes which lead to the formation of a certain gang, before measures can be put in place either for intervention or prevention of such a group. This approach therefore involves researchers to carry out an interactive interview with various groups from different cultures to find out the factors that contribute to the rise of gangs. It is after the findings that strategies and policies are put in place to deal with the problem. Conditions Under which a specific Policy may be Effective and the Requirements The liberal approach can work effectively where the government offers good support to the policy makers and the prison departments in dealing with gang members in the society. For this approach to work, there is need to put in place policies which would allow a good interaction between various gang members and the law enforcers such that, people like the police can first understand the problems which lead to the formation of such gangs so that they can know how to handle the criminals (Shaw, McKay, 2004). A proper rehabilitation center should be established where the reformed criminals can be used to assist those who are engaging in crimes to change by advising them and acting as a symbol, showing that reformation is possible. There is need for the government intervention by provision of funds and trained personnel to handle criminals. There is also need to put in place preliminary data, program performance and developed working strategies to ensure that the policy works out effectively. Assessment of a Local Policy Program One of the best programs applied locally in the U. S is the comprehensive community-wide approach to the intervention of gangs, gang prevention as well as gang suppression. Where all the required equipments and policies are availed, the conditions are suitable to deal with the problem of gangs in the society. Cohen (2005) observed that, this program has been put in place and is designed to test and implement a comprehensive and accurate model for limiting the number of young people who involve them in violence. The U. S government has contributed funds and established institutions which are used to enable this approach work among the youths in the society. The sites set for this work include the OJJDPs which is equipped with strong prospects to ensure the approach is successful, preliminary data, program performance and developed working strategies have been put in place. Other sites include the San Antonio Site, the Tuscon, Bloomington and the Mesa. The program involves the whole community in various programs where gang assessment is done, strategies are made, and consensus building is done and is a team oriented method which is used to solve social problems. Shaw, McKay (2004) stated that, the program mobilizes the community including the community groups, individual groups, citizens and various agencies, who are provided with social opportunities, economic and academic support. The intervention approach is applied here where the institutions use social intervention street workers, to interact and engage the youth gangs who often stay on the streets in various helpful activities. Gang suppression is done where informal and formal control measures of criminal justice system and juvenile procedures are carried out appropriately. In comparing this local approach with the earlier approaches analyzed out in this study, the comprehensive community-wide program has been effective, as it captures the elements discussed by other approaches, by ensuring that gang members are first of all well understood by considering the factors that contribute to the formation of such gangs and then moving ahead to tackle the problem (Cohen, 2005). The program has been effective in involving the community in various programs where gang assessment is done, strategies are made, consensus building is done, and a team oriented method is used to solve social problems. This is a successful way of ensuring that gang members and those who may intend to join various gang groups feel as part of the society and avoid engaging in any criminal acts.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Black Colour And Black Consciousness History Essay
Black Colour And Black Consciousness History Essay Slavery, Henry Clay proclaimed in 1816, forms an exception to the general liberty prevailing in the United States. Based on the firm belief that blacks were innately inferior to whites and unsuited for life in any condition other than slavery, slavery was argued by many as essential to human progress. Despite this, many white southerners hypocritically declared themselves to be the true heirs of the American Revolution; inspired by the same spirit of freedom and independence that motivated the fathering generations. The proslavery writers began to manipulate the words of the founding documents to change the peoples perception of freedom: the language of the Declaration of Independence that all men were created equal and entitled to liberty was the most false and dangerous of all political errors, insisted the pro-slavery minister John C. Calhoun. Slaves never abandoned their desire for freedom or their determination to resist subordination to the whites. The creation of an independent culture centred on the family and church created strength in morality and values which could pass from generation to generation fundamentally at odds with those of their masters. Historians have documented rebellions and revolts by slaves; however these are rare and have led some historians to question the extent and nature of slave resistance. I believe that the more subtle forms of resistance that may have been overlooked by historians still stand as rebellions, or silent sabotage, such as purposeful negligence in manual work, obstruction, ignorance, illness, and the destruction of property. In the narrative of Linda Brent, a North Carolina slave, we find an interesting account of how the refusal of women slaves to submit to sexual advances of the slaveholder can be seen as resistance to slavery.[1] However other historians such as George Fred rickson and Christopher Lasch have claimed that such acts should not qualify as acts of resistance; they believe resistance should constitute acts that involved the planning of actual or potential violence. These would have included committing crimes such as arson, poisoning and armed assaults against individual whites. Even small instances of violent resistance were sometimes effective; an Arkansas overseer decided to make an example of a slave woman named Lucy to show the slaves that he was impartial. Lucy, however, was not to be made an example of. According to her son, she jumped on him and like to tore him up. Word got around that Lucy would not be beaten; she was sold by her master soon after, but she was never whipped again.[2] Considerably more crippling to the stability of the slave system was running away, despite the trying and potentially fatal obstacles in their vulnerable escape methods. As Solomon Northup recalled, Every white mans hand is raised against him, the patrollers are watching for him, the hounds are ready to follow in his track.[3] In Frederick Douglasss slave memoir, The Life of Frederick Douglass, he tells us of the plan formulated by him and a group of slaves to escape via canoe to escape to the north. Slaves generally had little or no knowledge of geography but many understood that the North Star led to freedom: Douglass himself planned to follow the guidance of the north star till we got beyond the limits of Maryland. Douglass knew the dangers of becoming a fugitive, but firmly wrote in his memoir For my part, I should prefer death to hopeless bondage. Aged twenty at the time of his escape, there was a general trend of the majority of fugitives being young men. Most slave women were unwilling to leave children and taking them along proved arduous and almost impossible to survive. Some freed slaves also engaged in achieving freedom for others, a highly complex and dangerous undertaking. Enslaved blacks and their white sympathizers planned secret flight strategies and escape routes for runaways to make their way to freedom. Although it was neither subterranean nor a mechanized means of travel, this network of routes and hiding places was known as the underground railroad. Some free blacks were active conductors on the underground railroad while others simply harboured runaways in their homes. No one knows the exact number of slaves that succeeded in reaching the North the most common rough estimate is about 1,000 per year. Most of those who succeeded lived in the Upper South, like Douglass, who went on to publish his brilliant memoir which inspired the huge abolitionist movement. Harriet Tubman escaped to Philadelphia in 1849 and spent ten years risking her life by making some twenty or so trips back to her place of enslavement to lead relatives and other slaves to freedom. Probably one of the most famous instances of slave resistance was the case of the seizing of the Amistad, a slave ship transporting 53 slaves from one port in Cuba to another. The slaves succeeded in gaining control of the ship, and attempted to force the navigator to steer it to Africa. A slave by the name of The Amistad worked its way up the Atlantic coast till it was seized by an American vessel off the coast of Long Island. While the President Martin Van Buren wished to return the slaves to Cuba, abolitionists brought their case to the Supreme Court, where former president John Quincy Adams argued that since they had been recently brought from Africa in violation of international treaties banning the slave trade, the captives should be freed.[4] The court accepted Adams reasoning and most of the captives made their way back to Africa; a huge triumph for the commandeering slaves. This may well have inspired a similar uprising that occurred in 1841 when 135 slaves seized control of the ship they were being carried on, and to the dismay of the administration back home were given refuge by the British. One of the largest scale rebellions was the revolt led by Nat Turner in 1831. Nat Turner was a slave preacher who believed he was chosen by God to lead an uprising. By the time militia could stop the rebellion it had become eighty slaves strong and had killed some sixty whites in neighbouring farms. Turner was subsequently captured and condemned to die; on being asked before his death whether he felt any remorse, he replied was not Christ crucified? Despite Nat Turners rebellion being one of the most significant rebellions in southern history, it proved largely ineffective. Instead of moving the south towards emancipation, the Virginia legislature of 1832 increased in severity the laws which bonded slaves. New laws prohibited all blacks, free or enslaved, from acting as preachers; blacks could not own firearms; and it was illegal to teach a slave to read. Free blacks in the antebellum period the years from the formation of the Union until the Civil War were quite outspoken about the injustice of slavery. Their ability to express themselves, however, was determined by whether they lived in the North or the South. Free Southern blacks continued to live under the shadow of slavery, unable to travel or assemble as freely as those in the North; this made it almost impossible for them to organize and sustain churches, schools, or fraternal orders such as the Masons. Although their lives were circumscribed by numerous discriminatory laws even in the colonial period, freed African Americans, especially in the North, were active participants in American society. Black men enlisted as soldiers and fought in the American Revolution and the War of 1812. Some owned land, homes, businesses, and paid taxes. In some Northern cities, for brief periods of time, black property owners voted. A very small number of free blacks owned slaves, and usually these were members of their own family that they had bought off slaveholders to later emancipate. A few free blacks also owned slave holding plantations in Louisiana, Virginia, and South Carolina. Free African American Christians founded their own churches which became the hub of the economic, social, and intellectual lives of blacks in many areas of the fledgling nation. Blacks were also outspoken in print. Freedoms Journal, the first black-owned newspaper, appeared in 1827. This paper and other early writings by blacks fuelled the attack against slavery and racist conceptions about the intellectual inferiority of African Americans. Free people of colour like Richard Allen, Frederick Douglass, Sojourner Truth, David Walker, and Prince Hall earned national reputations for themselves by writing, speaking, organizing, and agitating on behalf of their enslaved compatriots. For Frederick Douglass, the most beneficial step for him to the road to freedom was learning to read and recognizing his enslavement was morally wrong. For him, resistance came in the form of giving speeches and writing books about slavery and his experiences, rousing tumultuous crowds and touching the hearts of many. Throughout his Narrative, literacy, education and reason are deemed crucial tools in the fight for emancipation. After reading speeches on behalf of Catholic emancipation in The Columbian Orator Douglass explained that they gave tongue to interesting thoughts of (his) own soul, which had frequently flashed through (his) mind, and died away for want of utterance.[5] Douglass noted that slaveholders were right in forbidding their slaves from learning to read because literacy and therefore access to enlightenment would undermine the system by strengthening slaves recognition of their own humanity and desire to be free. Henry Bibb was born a slave in Kentucky in 1815. He recounts his sufferings, escapes, recaptures, and unsuccessful attempts to free his family. Bibb lectured for the Liberty party in Ohio and Michigan during the 1840s and fled to Canada after the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850, as did thousands of other fugitives living in the North. His narrative includes many illustrations, including the depiction of the celebration of the Sabbath among the slaves and a slave sale. In the text Bibb mentions that slaves were not allowed books, pen, ink, nor paper, to improve their minds. He stated that such circumstances gave him a longing desire . . . a fire of liberty within my breast which has never yet been quenched. Bibb believed that he too had a right to liberty and the pursuit of happiness. In Black Culture and Black Consciousness, historian Lawrence Levine summarizes the important role that slave resistance legends played in the black community: For an understanding of the post-slave generations, the history of slave resistance is less important than the legends concerning it, though the two by no means contradict each other. Looking back upon the past, ex slaves and their descendants painted a picture not of a cowed and timorous black mass but of a people who, however circumscribed by misfortune and oppression, were never without their means of resistance and never lacked the inner resources to oppose the master class, however extreme the price they had to pay.[6] These legacies of resistance, which led to the final emancipation after the issuance of the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863, marked the generations of change that followed the slave period and have continued to build on the past right up until today. Bibliography Howard McGary and Bill E. Lawson, Between Slavery and Freedom: Philosophy and American Slavery, Indiana University Press 1992 John Hope Franklin, The Free Negro in North Carolina 1790-1860, Norton Library 1971 Ulrich B. Phillips, American Negro Slavery, Louisiana State University Press 1966 Eric Foner, Give Me Liberty! An American History, Norton Company 2009 Edmund S. Morgan, American Slavery, American Freedom: The Ordeal of Colonial Virginia, Norton Company, New York, 1975 Deborah Gray White, Arnt I a Woman? Female Slaves in the Plantation South, Norton Company 1995 Frederick Douglass, Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave, Penguin Classics 1982 Lawrence Levine, Black Colour and Black Consciousness, New York 1977 K.Sue Jewell, From Mammy to Miss America and Beyond: Cultural Images and the Shaping of U.S Social Policy London, Routledge 1993
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Triple Bottom Line Concept and Its Benefits for Businesses
Triple Bottom Line Concept and Its Benefits for Businesses Introduction The concept of Triple Bottom line is just a popular concept that has been applied in the understanding of social duties among companies that are looking forward for the incorporation of non monetary values in their businesses. Its notion has become of much fashion in management, investing and management over the last few years. It has been explained that the ultimate success of corporations ought to be measured not just by the use of traditional financial bottom line, but need also to be measured by on the ethical and environmental factors. In fact most individuals have accepted that, organizations have a lot of responsibilities to their stakeholders to have responsible behaviors. In addition, it is also true that, it is not possible for firms in the long run to be successful if they disregard key stakeholders interests. Its apparent novelty lines in the contention of its supporters that the overall attainment of duties to the society, clients, employees as well as suppliers should b e either calculated or audited and even report presented just like financial performance of public firms have been for over a century now, (Bowen, 1953). As a matter of fact, TBL can not be taken as if it is an award, certification or even an accreditation that can be earned, but it is a continuous process that just helps companies to keep on ensuring that they are working towards greener business, as well as the demonstrating to the local community that, they are not just working towards enriching themselves, but also to the common good. Its major aim is to ensure sustainable development strategy. Literature review Historical Perspective The origin of triple Bottom Line dates back in 1990s, when the management thought accountability started using the phrase in its work. In 1997, the phrase got currency with 1997 publication of British edition of John Elkingtons Cannibals with Forks: The Triple Bottom Line of 21st Century Business (Elkington, 1998). As a matter of fact, there were very few literatures on it, and many individuals thought that, Elkington coined the idea. However, after its publication, it has spread just like bush wire. It has been embraced and promoted by different organizations like the Global Reporting initiative and accountability by applying its concept in corporate world. Not being taken as a surprise, most firms accounting firms have incorporated the concept in an approval way when offering services that help companies that want to audit or even measure their additional bottom lines. In the same way, there have been sizable portion of industrial investment that have been devoted their energy din the processes of screening firms on the foundation of their environmental as well as ethical/social undertakings. As a matter of fact, most of them use 3BL language. Not only companies, but different governments, government departments as well as political parties have also been well represented in the increasing documentation of those proposing the fact. The Triple Bottom line was originally inspired by Patrick Urbanist, who came up with similar ideas at the start of 20th century. These concepts depends much on the triad of folk, work, and place, which encouraged the use of a multifaceted approach to policy and economic analysis (Robertson, 1992). At the later stage, in a similar function, the aspect was adopted by both environmental and business theorists. In particular, the most renown theorists was Elkington, with his intention of coming up with an approach to social/ethical responsibility that was far much practical for business managers and leaders. This is based on the fact that, it does not regard or even water down the social/ethical as well as environmental values of much more ethical business. There have been a number of different appr oaches have been trying to come up with a very better metrics, that are far much helpful in the calculation of a triple bottom line since that time. Some of such approaches have been considered legislation in some parts of the world, for instance, Oregon and Minnesota States in the United State. Other nations or countries include Australia. Essentially, the aspects of TBL were just an attempt of introducing a paradigm of accounting to the social environmental domains. Originally, the concept was just introduced as a tool of corporate tool of business. As an effect, individuals wonder if during its introduction, the notion was that the phrase would be picked and applied universally as it is now. To some extent, the phrase is not as new as such, this is based on the fact that, the concept just applies accounting knowledge to what was formally called corporate social responsibility. Sometimes back, lots of companies used to scorn the notion of Triple Bottom Line reporting systems; currently, there are those who have taken its task fully. Its effects have been experienced in the positive flow on their suppliers. Since chains of supply are also accountable to the companys performances, they are also scrutinized well in the Triple Bottom Line audits. The best examples in U.S are some big box stores which are greening up their actions, and as an effect, demanding their suppliers to use less packaging. Elements of Triple Bottom Line Concept The elements of Triple Bottom Line include profit also called Economic value, people (Social values) and the planet (Ecological value.) this is according to the description provided by Sustainability influence by 200th century Urbanist Patrick, in his notion of folk work as well as place. Ecological values (planet) One of the elements that make up Triple Bottom Line concept is ecological values. In its sense, it refers to environmental practices that are sustainable. The Triple Bottom Line company struggles itself to ensure that it has benefited the natural order as much as it could, or at least to the level that it will not harm and curtail environmental effects. A Triple Bottom Line endeavor ensures that it has reduced its ecological footprint by considering other factors. This is usually done through; careful management of its energy consumption as well as the non-renewable. This usually goes hand in hand with the reduction of waste manufacture, along with rendering waste products less toxic before disposing them din a safe and legal manner. The phrase Cradle to grave is uppermost in the thoughts of TBL manufacturing businesses which typically conduct a life cycle assessment of products to determine what the true environmental cost is from the growth and harvesting of raw materials to manufa cture to distribution to eventual disposal by the end user. Accompany that considers A triple bottom line, does not in any way produce harmful products, or even destructive products for instance, weapons, chemicals that are toxic or even batteries that contain heavy metals that can be termed as dangerous (Giddens, 1995). In the current times, the expenses involved during dumping of non-degradable products or even toxic waste products, is very high. As a result, are borne financially by different stakeholders like for instance, Governments and environmentally by those individual who reside near the dumping site and also elsewhere. According to the thinking of A triple bottom line, an industry which engages itself in the production as well as marketing a product which will at one point create a waste problem, should never at any cost be provided with an easy ride by the society as a whole, even the government should never provide any incentive on it. It will be considered more equitable for all businesses that involves themselves and sales products which might be taken as problematic, or might cause some troubles in future, , need to bear part of the expenses of its ultimate disposal. Practices which can be considered as being ecologically, for instance, overfishing activities or any other activity that in one way or the other tries to endanger the depletion of some resources are all avoided by A triple bottom line company. In most cases, environmental sustainability is a more profitable course for investors in the long run. However, arguments stated that it is much expensive to be environmentally sound are often specious when the course of the business is analyzed over a period of time. Generally, sustainability reporting metrics are better quantified and standardized for environmental issues than for social ones (Porter 1998). There are a number of respected reporting institutions as well as registries, are under existence, for instance, the Global Reporting initiative, institute for sustainability, CERES, as well as the institute for sustainability, among others. The reality so far is that, practice or companies that that create a lot of economic wealth, but do not at any cost prevent the deletion of natural resource, eventually can be considered as sustainable triple bottom line. This is based on the fact that, at one single time, the product or organization, will at one time lacks natural resources to continue its operation. In addition, it has been proved that, operations that do not factor at any level environmental costs of production sends false signals to customers and government. If in any case a business entails in the externalization of business environment, in most cases consumers tent to believe that, the cost of producing such a product is much lower than reality, due to lower prices for instance, demand tents to be higher. Tipple bottom line Sustainability, looks forward in addressing such like issues. Profit (economic value) This can be termed as the economic value that is usually created by any organization after the deduction of all expenses of any input, even after the exclusion of tied up capital. As an effect, it differs much from the traditional accounting definitions of what the profit is. Originally within sustainability framework, the concept of profit is supposed to be seen as being the real benefits that the host community enjoys. It is presumed to being the economic impacts that an organization might have on its economic environ. This in most cases is confused with the limited to the internal profit made by a company or organization (which nevertheless remains an essential starting point for the computation) (Matt, 2010). As an effect, the original Triple Bottom Line approach can not in any way be interpreted as being traditional corporate accounting profits on top of social and environmental effects, except when the profits of other entities have been included as social gains. Just as any other element of Triple Bottom Line, the point of profit includes net profits or losses. All business practices that leads to the creation of both environmental social advantages, but ends up losing money, is considered as not being sustainable in any way. This was not based on the fact that, at one point the business might lack its operations funding. As a result, the Triple Bottom Line does not have any intention of excluding profit incentive from operations. It exists to balance the profit incentive with the costs of production decisions that are often externalized: (Matt, 2010) both environment and social bills. Those proposing sustainability Triple Bottom Line initiative, explain that operations that in one way or the other, but only create costs similarly not suitable are unsustainable as well. People, (social value) This refers to the and fair and beneficial business operations towards labor and the community and region under which the firm carries its activities. A Triple Bottom Line firm aims at benefiting many constituencies; by ensuring that it does not endanger any group neither destroys it. Part of the profits gained from finished product marketing back to the original raw materials producer. As a matter of fact, Triple Bottom Line business never uses child labor and will always monitor contracted firms for the exploitation of child labor. Such firms will also pay better salaries as well as maintaining safe working conditions, along with tolerable working hours. They also look forward to giving back to the community, by contributing to its growth with things like health care and schools. The quantification of such bottom line is new, subjective and often problematic, Fine (1991). Theories and Opinions According to Michael Porter, economy is just a social construct. This is based on the reason that, it is as an effect of policies, institutions as well as interactions that makes up the society. Secondly, the meaning of economy and what it is, originates from narratives made by society members. In this manner, the economic bottom line is not separable from social issues, including societal issues. According to Michael Porter, both economic and social issues cant be separated at a cost; this is based on the fact that it is far much difficult to for anyone to reject the fact that, the relationship between economy and society are different. It has been found by economists that, economic processes that increases competitiveness, and better financial bottom line, results to long-term social trade off. It is true that, through the erratic nature of innovation, improved forms of production are developed but their Adoption is hindered by the lack of supporting services and infrastructure once abundant but no longer Available. (Porter 1998) On the same note, economic efficiency might result to other forms of social stresses. This is especially when advantages of higher efficiency is not distributed equally. At this very point at any time, for instance, many producers of vegetables across U.S may be arguing that, the current chain of supply arrangements gives rise to non-producers in the chain of supply for instance, processors and retailers capturing and never passing on the interests of the efficiency that is gained by producers. At this point for instance, this in most cases occurs when economic notions those results to social equity are in facing head on each other. On the other hand, constructivist school sociologists like Grove-White (1997), and Fine (1991), have brought the point that; natural environment by itself is already a human construct. Cultural groups have led to the construction landscapes as their own reflections. Any form of change in environment has been associated with social along with cultural symbols. According to Finer, the definition of a group has been renegotiated to refer to the conception and definition of what the environment is. Constructivists have therefore give TBL different meanings, for instance, the existence of environmental factor will not exist unless socially constructed. As a matter of fact, the environment can be given collective meaning depending on the collective social affiliations that are attributed to them. This is because, in one way or the other, the environment can be considered as being inseparable from the sociology. Though such like statements are philosophically challenging, but they make sense when individuals start translating personal perceptions into shared point of views. For example, to different individuals, a river might be a source of water, to another person, source of beauty while to the rest might view it as recreation source. Secondly, environmental issues in most cases reflect social interaction. This is based on the fact that, scholar have even stated that the environment by itself is constructed by socio-culture. It has been argued by White-Grove that problems as a result of environment are just physical phenomena. environmental problems and issues which society recognizes at any one moment are shaped and determined by processes of human judgment and social negotiation, even in their very definitions (White-Grove 2011). This view has been has been supported by other researchers like Woodhills who has concluded that In the recent past, there have been calls for the addition of fourth bottom line on the Triple Bottom Line, that will be based on culture however, individuals have argued that, this will just increase a fourth leg to a concept that is in many ways flawed, it does provide a lead to defining some pragmatic ways of dealing with the flaws (Spiller Lake 2003). This call has attracted a lot of attention to the effects that accumulated stresses that are currently measured by TBL. Globalization has played a major part in the TBL concept development; however, the paradox that has come with globalization is that, it has resulted to greater global integration of both national and regional economies and cultures, it accentuates, rather than minimizes, the significance of the local context for innovative activities (Acs et al 1996). At first such like contradiction was referred to as glocalization. This paradox has a very strong suggestion of regionalism, and calls for collective practices at local levels trying with a lot of effort to challenge the point of globalization, but on the other hand, it tries accommodating it to enhance competitive advantage. This kind of advantages is in most cases just a very complex mix of issues which under Triple Bottom Line framework. In addition, the issue of glocalization tends to explain the way forward. First and foremost, it tries to integrate factors that underlay the TBL, other than accumulating credits along with deficits that make up bottom lines that tent to have greater meaning to those individuals who tent to live the events other reporting them, (Bowen, 1953). Application, Impact and Discussion Positive Impacts The company might experience increased income and market share. This suggests that, managers believe that, their organizations have the ability of benefiting a lot from the Triple Bottom Line efforts. Market share impact also indicates that the management believes that, both customers and stakeholders have responded positively to the action. As a fact, managers will be seeing economic value; cause, it can help in cost saving along with incomes from new markets and innovation opportunities. There is also increased employee retention after Triple Bottom Line (TBL) implementation. Having stronger sustainability is helpful in the retention as well as recruitment of better talents. Research has shown that, employees kin U.s prefer getting lower salaries but work with responsible institutions. Managers look at increased societal support as being an advantage to TBL. This sis based on the fact that, the local society influences firms operation license. When firms engage in societal activities, like addressing community problems and engaging in social impacts, it is presented as a good citizen corporate and partners. As an effect, managers view this as a chance of opening dialogue door and positive stakeholders. The TBL implementation also assists in the avoidance of legal issues, and angering special interest teams while encouraging good publicity. Managers look at increased societal support as another positive impact of TBL. Companies that provide support to society, impact their environment beyond the firms boundaries. Activities like development of education and health system, leads to a reduced risk. This means that, when organizations implement TBL, they become safer enterprises, hence, to them, funds procurement is much easier. As an effect, an organization might use such positive impacts for the creation of a framework that rewards practices and decisions made by its management for the support of sustainability along with TBL. In general, TBL leads to the hiring of top talent, higher retention of top talent, increased employee productivity, reduced manufacturing expenses, reduced expenses at commercial sites, increased revenues and market share, reduced risk, and easier financing (Willard, 2002). As shown in figure 1 bellow. Figure 1 organizational advantage to TBL from: ttp:// Negative Impacts Division of labor is one of the characteristic of rich societies, and a major reason that leads to massive accumulation of wealth. This then leads to the point that organizations contributions are majorly to the welfare of the community din all areas when managers are focusing on what they can do best, for the benefit of all. Sat the time, business is satisfying the society, TBL is then thought to be very harmful, as it diverts business attention far from its main goals and values. For instance, just like charitable organization like Red Cross are not expected to handle environmental issues. As an effect, mangers have to know that they are not required to concentrate on concerns outside companys main objective, given that the enterprise is not doing any harm to the environment or people. The concern for social and environmental issues is hardly found in poor communities, it is only a concern for richer societies. As an effect, application of TBL acts as an example of choices available to the citizens of a society made wealthy by businesses attending to business (Willard, 2002). As an effect, the creative attention to only business makes the business to contribute effectively to the betterment of all society angles, like social, environmental as well as economic. Though socially responsible managers will say that is harmful to the society, however, TBL pressurizes libertarian managers to a mechanism that might or might not be the best option. It is not ethical to force businesses to undertake duties that are outside there core area of concentration. This is so particularly in areas that the firm does not harm either the environment or people in any way. In the implementation TBL, most managers face the difficulty of achieving global agreement on simultaneous policy that might render such like measures found in TBL at the best advisory, hence unenforceable. For instance, individuals might not be willing to face depression or recession with the aim of replenishing lost ecosystem. One of the major shortcomings of TBL framework application is capability of being applicable in monetary-based economic system. Since there has been never and still there will be no single way in monetary terminologies that can be used to measure society and environment as there is with profits. TBL does not allow mangers to get the sum of all three bottom lines. Due to this, it is far much difficult for managers to recognize the benefits of TBL implementation in the firm. Mangers implementing TBL have been criticized by the TBL left wingers on the fact that, this method is just an attempt by otherwise exploitative corporations to avoid legislation and taxation and generate a fictitious people-friendly eco-friendly image for PR purposes (Giddens, 1995). Application of Triple Bottom Line Concepts in Management It is being applied as an accounting and reporting tool as promoted by Elkington. This application has gained rapid adoption especially among global organizations that are looking for ways to enhance their image a good global citizen. For instance, Shell was amongst the first firm in the United States. Many organizations have ended up hiring the Consultancy Organization Sustainability by Elkington, in developing tools that assists in their accounting for their progress against TBL (Shell International, 1998). The process of developing TBL into a framework unto which firms can make a presentation of their performance accounts, has ended up promoting flurries of studies, money and consultancy firms. The goodness is that, all of them are on the way of improving the tools and processes involved. As a matter of fact, the global Reporting Initiative has been established with the objective of providing central concentration for such like activities, and also setting some international stand ards for reporting sustainability. This application of TBL reporting has gained its application in various public sectors as well as smaller entrepreneurs. The concept of TBL has introduced the factor of measurement in the management of organization as urged by Elkington. He explained that what you cant measure, you are likely to find hard to manage (Elkington, 1998). It happened that, he was a fervent believer that, it is very much possible to use Triple Bottom Line in the process of measuring progress. However, Elkington acknowledges two0n major challenges. The first challenge is that, the process of accounting for social dimension, there is a problem. This does not concern how measure social attributes. He continued that, amongst the challenges of Triple Bottom Line agenda, he notes that, when we include the social and ethical dimensions of sustainability, the range of sustainability-related Issues and impacts grow dramatically (Elkington, 2004). He ends up concluding that, the second challenge faced by TBL model is the development of an approach that measure progress din a way that is very much integrated across the Triple Bottom Line. However, lots of those carrying out social studies have criticized Elkington ideas that TBL has been applied in some sort of decision algorithm mechanisms. Such researchers have argued that, the decisions that revolve around sustainability and natural resource management need to concentrate on issues that can count, other than being based on things that can be counted (Vanclay, 2003). There are other researchers who have noted some difficulties in the adoption of framework that leads to decision making systems that incorporates social dimension. In attempting to develop social indicators we encounter immediately the problem that the communities whose health in which we are interested do not resemble the sorts of stable and self-regulating systems we find in nature (Lockie Jennings, 2003) Such like criticism and other reservations were all raised at a workshop that was discussing and debating the Use of Triple Bottom Line concept as a means of incorporating social dimension into other policies along with processes of decision making for Australia. On of the major conclusion that this workshop came up with was that, developing Triple Bottom Line indicators is just one of the operation in a broader process. On the other hand, the subject of identifying indicators is a very important output. This is based on the fact that, it will help organizations make reflections on their overall strategic goals, as the process proceeds well beyond that first step. The process of reporting TBL results to engagements with stakeholders in the creation of new circuits of knowledge exchange, as well as communication. The ongoing monitoring as well as reporting of TBL indicates that it has the capability of developing a new phase of organizational reflection (Elkington, 2004). Apart from t hat, it also leads to the exchange that regards to the quality of measures under use and the performance target that have been put in place. As a planning and reporting tool, the manner in which TBL has been used, is just seen as being a mare approximation of complex aspects for instance, sustainability. This has been taken to be much true in the case of its uptake by organizations. For any company to count for global aspects, for instance sustainability would need a detailed as well as complex analysis of the companys interaction with ecological systems, societies, habitats, resources as well as habitats. In the light of all other firms past as well as present effects don the similar systems. In its place, it can be used during categorizing different matters that can be connected to sustainability pursuit, with an objective that, the organization has the power of monitoring the effects of its activities concerning these issues. Appropriate Strategies and Recommendations The TBL needs a much focused commitment through long term strategic thinking, alignment, planning as well as implementation. When firms propose a certain corporate sustainability, the difficulty encountered depends on the process of incorporating TBL principles onto operations of an organization. There are two aspects which organizations have to consider ensuring successful integration of TBL along with company strategy is that; sustainability needs a lot of innovation. The second point is that, sustainability strategies have to be customized. Studies have found that, the organization size has no effect on whether it wants to incorporate TBL. Consistent with major recommendations of 2003 workshop on social dimension of TBL in rural Australia, I advocate greater concentration on the process of TBL reporting as a way of encouraging the ability of addressing sustainability change. As a matter of fact, there should be a set of criteria which ought to be used in the evaluation of TBL with the major aim of improving TBL outcomes. Organizations need to implement an iterative learning cycle. This will ensure that organizations planning are but on collaborative change reflections that will be seen after an operation by the company in the past. At the core of these operations, should be the opportunity that allows stakeholders engagement in company operations, on both external and internal, (Elkington, 2004). Another recommendation is that, when considering how different activities can result to sustainable future community, I recommend that, TBL reporting need to be promoted by companies. This is based on increasing degree of experience and resources to enable organizations handle TBL reporting dealings. Provided with some of the inherent constraints with organizational-based TBL reporting, it is much clear that organizations need to take TBL as an adaptive long-term adaptive management. This should not be seen as a quick fix, but it needs the development of means of monitoring how organizations, activities are contributing to particular TBL sustainability and the reflection on performance evaluation that ensures that all targets are concentrated upon most significant issues not just those that are most expedient, and that its efforts are addressing these effectively.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Edgar Allen Poe :: essays research papers fc
Edgar Allan Poe      Best known for his poems and short fiction, Edgar Allan Poe deserves more credit than any other writer for the transformation of the short story into a respected literary work. He virtually created the detective story and perfected the psychological thriller. He also produced some of the most influential literary criticism of his time. Although he contributed so much to the writing world, little is known about the Poe himself. Historians have been trying for years to piece together the life of this literary genius. In almost every biographical publication Poe’s life is divided into three sections: his early life, his career, and his death. Exactly when and where Poe was born is not known, but historians believe that he was born in Boston, in 1809 (Hayes 5). Poe's parents, David Poe Jr. and Elizabeth Arnold Hopkins, were touring actors; both died before he was three years old, and he was taken into the home of John Allan. Allan was a prosperous merchant in Richmond, Virginia. Poe’s childhood was uneventful, although he studied in England between 1815 and 1820 (Jacobs 56). In 1826 he entered the University of Virginia but stayed for only a year. Although a good student, he ran up large gambling debts that Allan refused to pay. Allan prevented his return to the university and broke off Poe's engagement to Sarah Elmira Royster, his Richmond sweetheart. Lacking any means of support, Poe enlisted in the army. He had, however, already written and printed at his own expense his first book, Tamerlane and Other Poems (Hayes 6). Temporarily reconciled, John Allan secured Poe's release from the army and his appointment to W est Point but refused to provide financial support (Hayes 11). After 6 months Poe apparently contrived to be dismissed from West Point for disobedience of orders (Kennedy 35). Poe next took up residence in Baltimore with his widowed aunt, Maria Clemm, and her daughter, Virginia, and turned to fiction as a way to support himself (Walker 2). In 1832 the Philadelphia Saturday Courier published five of his stories, and in 1833, MS. Found in a Bottle won a fifty dollar prize given by the Baltimore Saturday Visitor (Walker 125). Poe, his aunt, and Virginia moved to Richmond in 1835. Poe became editor of the Southern Literary Messenger and married Virginia, who was not yet 14 years old (Jacobs 61). During this time Poe published fiction, such as Berenice, but most of his contributions were serious, analytical, and critical reviews that earned him respect as a critic (Jacobs 64). Edgar Allen Poe :: essays research papers fc Edgar Allan Poe      Best known for his poems and short fiction, Edgar Allan Poe deserves more credit than any other writer for the transformation of the short story into a respected literary work. He virtually created the detective story and perfected the psychological thriller. He also produced some of the most influential literary criticism of his time. Although he contributed so much to the writing world, little is known about the Poe himself. Historians have been trying for years to piece together the life of this literary genius. In almost every biographical publication Poe’s life is divided into three sections: his early life, his career, and his death. Exactly when and where Poe was born is not known, but historians believe that he was born in Boston, in 1809 (Hayes 5). Poe's parents, David Poe Jr. and Elizabeth Arnold Hopkins, were touring actors; both died before he was three years old, and he was taken into the home of John Allan. Allan was a prosperous merchant in Richmond, Virginia. Poe’s childhood was uneventful, although he studied in England between 1815 and 1820 (Jacobs 56). In 1826 he entered the University of Virginia but stayed for only a year. Although a good student, he ran up large gambling debts that Allan refused to pay. Allan prevented his return to the university and broke off Poe's engagement to Sarah Elmira Royster, his Richmond sweetheart. Lacking any means of support, Poe enlisted in the army. He had, however, already written and printed at his own expense his first book, Tamerlane and Other Poems (Hayes 6). Temporarily reconciled, John Allan secured Poe's release from the army and his appointment to W est Point but refused to provide financial support (Hayes 11). After 6 months Poe apparently contrived to be dismissed from West Point for disobedience of orders (Kennedy 35). Poe next took up residence in Baltimore with his widowed aunt, Maria Clemm, and her daughter, Virginia, and turned to fiction as a way to support himself (Walker 2). In 1832 the Philadelphia Saturday Courier published five of his stories, and in 1833, MS. Found in a Bottle won a fifty dollar prize given by the Baltimore Saturday Visitor (Walker 125). Poe, his aunt, and Virginia moved to Richmond in 1835. Poe became editor of the Southern Literary Messenger and married Virginia, who was not yet 14 years old (Jacobs 61). During this time Poe published fiction, such as Berenice, but most of his contributions were serious, analytical, and critical reviews that earned him respect as a critic (Jacobs 64).
Sunday, August 18, 2019
A Feminist Reading of Cheever’s The Five-Forty-Eight Essay -- Cheever
A Feminist Reading of The Five-Forty-Eight The short story "The Five-Forty-Eight" by John Cheever concerns the issue of a woman scorned by the inhumane treatment she has received by men, most notably that of Blake, whose oppression serves as the turning point in her life. This generalization is often the focus of a feminist criticism. Feminists believe that women should have equal rights as men, and they seek to "correct or supplement what they regard as a predominantly male-dominated critical perspective with a feminist consciousness" (Meyer 2014). In this short story, using a feminist consciousness to read the text helps to understand the reasoning behind Miss Dent's need to defeat the idea that males dominate over women. Miss Dent, who has been trodden on for so long, finally takes action against Blake who represents all of the men in her life who have mistreated her. Miss Dent is an insecure woman who has been abused and mistreated her whole life, especially by Blake. The literary critic Patrick Meanor says that "the icy and detached Mr. Blake has absolutely no natural feelings for others, especially for pathetic, wounded souls such as Miss Dent, a name that symbolizes her damaged emotional condition" (92) Critics characterize Blake as the lowest of men because of the inhumane way he treats women. The worst example of Blake's maltreatment of Miss Dent is the scene in which the two sleep together in Miss Dent's apartment. Miss Dent leaves to put something more comfortable on while Blake urges her on because "that was, after all, what he had come for" (81). Blake purposely accompanies Miss Dent into her home just to have sex with her. Under the impression that Blake has a genuine interest in her, Miss Dent allows Blak... before when Miss Dent had no self-esteem or confidence, now she has some control over her life and is a stronger person for it. In "The Five-Forty-Eight," Miss Dent has prevailed in her attempt to set right the wrongs done to her and other women by men like Blake. Through a feminist's view, women in history have been considered inferior to men. Blake assumes that because he is a man, he has the right to abuse women and take advantage of them. Miss Dent does not let herself become another victim, rather she successfully takes control of her life. Works Cited Cheever, John. "The Five-Forty-Eight" An Introduction to Fiction (7th edition), eds. X. J. Kennedy and Dana Gioia, Longman, 1999 Meanor, Patrick. John Cheever Revisited. New York: Twayne, 1995. Meyer, Liz. Feminist Consciousness and Feminist Research. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1983.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
A Streetcar Named Desire, by Tennessee Williams :: A Streetcar Named Desire Essays
â€Å"All the characters in â€Å"A Streetcar Named Desire†are to some extent living an unreal existence†. Agree or disagree with this statement about the characters and be sure to use quotes to support your comments. Not all the characters in â€Å"A Streetcar Named Desire†are living an unreal existence, however some are, in particular Blanche, Stella and Stanley. Blanch to some extent is living in her own fantasy world plagued with delusions and outbursts. It is quite obvious that she is living an illusion. Stella is living an unreal existence in regards to the way in which she likes to pretend she is living in a happy home. Stanley is also however to a much lesser extent living an unreal existence. He is very self-centered and towards the end he seems to be living a life nearly devoted to breaking down Blanche. We can see why and in what way these characters are living an unreal existence through exploring the major themes of this play and their relation to the characters in regards to â€Å"living an unreal existence†. These themes which will be discussed later on include reality versus illusion, confronting reality, male domination and truth versus lies. Reality versus illusion is one of, if not the major theme of the play. It also has the most relevance to the way in which Blanche, Stanley and Stella are living in their own fantasy world. Perhaps the reason Blanche chose illusion rather than reality is because of her somewhat troubled past. When Blanche was 16 she married Alan who was 17. The impression we get of Alan is that of an attractive, gentle and kind young man. However, he had a somewhat feminine quality about him. Blanche soon finds out that he is involved in a homosexual relationship by catching him in the act. Blanche expresses her disgust and soon after Alan commits suicide by shooting himself. Already traumatized, the situation grew quickly worse when Blanche looses Belle Reve, the family estate. This proves only to worsen Blanche’s mental state to an all new low. This coupled with other events led Blanche to living with her sister Stella and her husband Stanley. Perhaps the events which had occurred led her to the edge of insanity which she was resting on during her time living with Stanley and Stella. It was easier for her to create her own fantasy world rather than to face up to reality.
Maori Health Care in New Zealand Essay
Access to health is a fundamental right of all human beings (WHO; 2004). If all people had access to health care then no disparities would be found between different groups. However, according to Giddings (2005) the health status of groups in various countries is not similar and have widened between groups since some groups are marginalised and others are privileged by their social identities. This may also be the case in New Zealand. Statistics by the Waikato District Health Board (2012) indicate that Maori as a group is more prone to ill health than any other ethnic groups in the region. Similar results were obtained by Howden, Chapman & Tobias (2000) who state that Maori have lesser health standing at levels such as all learning opportunities, job status and income than non-Maori. The general conclusion from these studies is therefore that there does seem to be a discrepancy with Maori health care. In order to address this, it is necessary to identify and address the relevant fact ors that can create a barrier to a level playing field for Maori as far as health is concerned and through this process give effect to the WHO’s â€Å"right to health†outcomes for all. Howden, Chapman & Tobias (2000) see the barriers to efficient Maori health care as being institutional racism, ongoing effects of colonization on Maori through tapering the Maori monetary base and reducing Maori political influence. Theunissen (2011) agrees in principal with this by concluding that the disparities in Maori health exist mainly due to an inconsistent consideration of Maori culture and social policies. Factors such as institutional discrimination (leading to interpersonal racism which is seen as breaches of human and indigenous rights), lack of respect and lack of cultural safe practises are seen as barriers to the provision of efficient health services. According to the Ministry of Health (2012) health is viewed within a framework of values, priorities, collective experience, customs, beliefs and place in society of which all is influenced by social policy. To improve Maori health and address inequalities within the social policy framework, one must therefore consult w ith Maori as to their health priorities and the manner in which it should be rendered. Maori’s perspectives on health are reflected in various models such as Te Whare Tapa Wha, Te Wheke and Te Pae Mahutonga with all of these models emphasising a holistic approach. In this paper the Te Pae Mahutonga model is used (Durie, 2003) to explain Maori health. The model identifies six cornerstones of wellness namely Mauriora, Waiora, Toiora, Te Oranga, Te Mana Whakahaere and Nga Manukura. 1. Mauriora is associated with a secure cultural identity. Urbanisation broke the link between Maori and the land which caused insecure access to the Marae, Maori language issues and reduced opportunities for cultural expression in society. 2. Waiora is associated with environmental protection and linked to Maori’s spiritual world. It connects physical with mental wellness due to the interaction between the people and the environment (water, earth and cosmic) 3. Toiora is associated with a person’s lifestyle and relates to the willingness to engage in high risk experiences such as substance abuse, gambling, sedentary lifestyles and low moral values. The statistics for Maori in a Hawkes Bay study indicated that Maori was overrepresented as a group when compared to non-Maori (Ngati Kahungunu Iwi, 2003). 4. Te Oranga is dependent on a person ’s participation in society which is determined by social position. This in turn is a function of income, job status, choice of school and access to good health services. 5. Nga Manukura (leadership) refers to the ability of local leaders to assist health professionals with the health promotional effort. The formation of alliances between these different groups to enable and combine diverse perspectives will increase the effectiveness of health programs to a large degree as no single group have all the attributes or expertise to effect change. 6. Autonomy (Te Mana Whakahaere) is reflected in the level to which a community is able to determine their own aspirations, develop and implement measures to approve such initiatives and exert a level of control over the outcomes achieved. Of the six wellness described above all are impacted on through Te Tiriti o Waitangi. Maori have no autonomy other their affairs other than over their resources and taonga (treasures). Although there is a legal obligation to consult with Maori (Resource Management Act, 2003) when plans are formulated; and to listen to their input, it is not necessary to include them as part of the leadership of health plans or outcomes. Maori’s participation in society is largely determined by their social position whi ch is not as high as in a non-Maori society when viewed within Iwi or Whanua settings. This is further compromised by the perceived high risk Maori lifestyle which is not socially acceptable to non-Maoris. The broken link between Maori and their land/Marae reduces their confidence and willingness to participate in opportunities for cultural expression in society. From the above it is clear that there are several factors that determine Maori health outcomes. Of this only racism will be addressed in this paper as it is considered one of the main barriers to efficient Maori health care. Racism comprises of institutional racism, interpersonal racism and internalised racism. According to Durey & Thompson (2012) the various forms of racism should not be considered discreet categories but rather seen as being interrelated. Singleton & Linton (2006) defines racism as ‘prejudice + power’. This appears in practise when one group holds sway over institutional power and converts their beliefs and attitudes into policies and practises. This is happening in the health care system when services are developed by non-Maori for non-Maori based on the western biomedical model. This model differs from the Te Pae Mahutonga model in that it concentrates on diagnosis and treatment instead of prevention. The biomedical approach to health care is forcing Maori to adhere to a system that is not in line with their beliefs or allow them to change it due to lack of sufficient representation. This implies that the aspects of autonomy and leadership that is seen as a cornerstone of the Te Pae Mahutonga health model cannot be exercised thus leading to poor health outcomes for Maori. When Maori accepts these outcomes and see themselves as being inferior to others the institutional racism become internalised leading to a further degradation in health care due to lack of participation in society (Durey & Thompson 2012). The fourth cornerstone (Te Oranga) is therefore weakened due to the inability of Maori to participate in society on their terms. Interpersonal racism occurs when there is a lack of awareness of Maori’s lived experiences and cultural meanings which manifests in poor communication or negative feedback and consequences. This contravenes the cornerstone of Mauriora which is important for cultural expression in society. Maori cannot effectively participate in health care if they are not able to express themselves according to their culture and beliefs because of the health care provider’s inability to understand them. This is reflected in the current breast and cervical screening programs that is lower among Maori woman than woman of other ethnicities. Element three of Te Tiriti o Waitangi deals with the aspect of citizenship and the rights of citizens. This element states that Maori will have the British Crown’s protection and all the same rights as British subjects (Archives New Zealand, 2012). It is the definition of what constitutes same rights or Oritetanga that is at the heart of the matter. One viewpoint is to interpret Oritetanga as meaning the right to enjoy benefits that result in equal outcomes. Another is to define Oritetanga as access to equal opportunities meaning that there should be no distinction between the opportunities available for Maori and non-Maori (Barrett & Connolly-Stone, 1998). It does not matter which viewpoint is preferred as the end result should always be that Maori advance equally with non-Maori (Humpage & Fleras, 2001). This is in line with the comment from Theunissen (2006, p. 284) that â€Å"Where human rights pertain to Oritetanga, Maori have the right to be protected from discriminat ion and inequitable health outcomes†. According to Upton (1992) the New Zealand government has agreed that major differences still exist between the health status of Maori and non-Maori that cannot be ignored and that part of the problem is the rigidity of the health system causing it to be unable or reluctant to respond to Maori needs. This is in contrast to spirit of element three of Te Tiriti which infers indirectly to the notion of equal partnerships and monetary and cultural security, both of which contributes to hauora (spirit of life/health) of Maori. The continued poor response of the health system to improve Maori health can therefore be viewed as a violation of element three of Te Tiriti. Hill et al. (2010) concurs with the above in that Maori does not experience access to equal opportunities of quality and timely health care. Their view is one of Maori experiencing differential access and receiving health services from providers that practises institutional racism and professional prejudice (interpersonal racism). This in turn causes a negative impact on Maori self believe due to internalising the racism in their personal attitudes or beliefs (Hill et al., 2010). It is in this regard that the role of the nurse becomes critical important. It is generally acknowledged that the nurse’s individual cultural view point sways his/her ability and manner they work with patients to forming trusted relationships. This framework may lead to societal prejudice when Maori is seen as being â€Å"personally responsible for their disparities due to an inferiority of genes and lack of intelligence or effort in caring for self†(Reid & Robson, 2006, p. 5). This is where cultural safe practises need to be applied in order to identify and resolve personal attitudes that may put Maori at risk. Safe practises also promote open mindedness that allows the health care professional to provide health services in line with Maori beliefs of healing and health. Such an approach will improve trust between the parties concerned and trust by Maori in the health care system. At the individual patient level nurses play an important role as they act as intermediaries between the health care professional and the client. The factors that influence the nurse’s professional ability in this framework are seen as cultural safety, advocating for patient rights and applying Maori models of care in preference to the biomedical model used in most western societies. According to Jansen et al. (2008) nurse-led interventions are the most fitting for providing healthcare services because they embrace culturally personalized approaches while Barton & Wilson (2008) see a Maori-centred move towards caring as supporting the nurse’s ability to provide culturally suitable care. Cram et al. (2003) go as far as to suggest that if health concepts are developed by Maori for Maori then the likelihood of wrongly representing cultural values will be eliminated. The role of the nurse in advocating for patient’s rights can be done at two levels. At the lower level it may involve interacting with the health profession in order to avoid bias towards Maori whilst at the highest level it may involve the nursing workforce acting as one to ensure changes in the health system that is fair to Maori. Action at both levels will endeavour to establish a consistent approach to be followed resulting in enhancing Oritetanga at social policy level (Jansen & Zwygart-Stauffacher, 2010). The Maori model of care Te Pae Mahutonga supports the development of a holistic approach in health care that is aimed at prevention rather than the â€Å"diagnosis and treatment†approach which is reflected in the biomedical model. The hospital environment which forms the cornerstone of the biomedical approach is seen as unsuitable for Maori health improvement as they require access to mobile health care services in local and rural communities not hospitals. Whanua (broader family) participation is seen as an important part of the healing process and requires support mechanisms to enable this. Support mechanisms do not only include access to transport and housing but also an understanding of the role of karakia (prayer), Tapu and noa (risk and safety) and Wairua (spiritual force) (Ngati Kahungunu Iwi, 2003). The conclusion that can be reached from the above discussion is that Maori does not enjoy a level playing field as far as health care services are concerned and that the spirit of element three of Te Tiriti o Waitangi is not adhered to by government. Most Maori health plans emphasise the importance of interpersonal relationships, awareness of Maori belief systems, cultural identity and Maori lifestyle as important to health and see the development of health plans by Maori for Maori as one of the most important factors that will contribute to improving health care for Maori. References Archives New Zealand. (2012). Treaty2U: Te Tiriti o Waitangi. Retrieved from Barrett, M. and Connolly-Stone K. (1998) The Treaty of Waitangi and Social Policy. Social Policy Journal of New Zealand, 11, 29â€â€47. Barton, P. & Wilson, D. Te Kapunga Putohe (the restless hands): a Maori centred nursing practice model. Nursing Praxis in New Zealand, 24 (2), 2-15 Cram, F., Smith, L., & Johnstone, W. (2003). Mapping the Themes of Maori Talk about Health. The New Zealand Medical Journal, 116, 1-7 Durey, A., & Thompson, S. C. (2012). Reducing the health disparities of Indigenous Australians: time to change focus. Health Services Research, 12, 151 Durie, M. (2003). Nga Kahui Pou: Launching Maori Futures. Wellington, New Zealand: Huia Giddings, L. S. (2005). Health Disparities, Social Injustice and Culture of Nursing. Nursing Research, 5, 304-312. Hill, S., Sarfati, D., Blakely, T., Robson, B., Purdie G & Kiwachi, I. (2010). Survival disparities in indigenous and non-Indigenous New Zealanders with colon cancer: The role of patient comorbidity, treatment and health service factors. Journal of Epidemiological Community Health, 64, 117–123 Howden-Chapman, P. and Tobias, M. (2000). Social Inequalities in Health. Retrieved from†¦/reducineqal.pdf Humpage, L., & Fleras, A. (2001). Intersecting discourses: Closing the gaps, social justice and the Treaty of Waitangi. Social Policy Journal of New Zealand, 16, 37–53. Jansen, M., & Zwygart-Stauffacher, M. (2010). Advanced practice nursing: Core concepts for professional role development. New York: Springer. Jansen, P., Bacal, K., & Crengle, S. (2008). He Ritenga Whakaaro: Maori experiences of health services. Auckland, New Zealand: Mauri Ora Asssociates Ministry of Health. (2012). Maori Health. Retrieved from work/populations/maori-health New Zealand Legislation. (2003). Resource Management Act 2003. Retrieved from Ngati Kahungunu Iwi. (2003). Moari Health Plan for Hawkes Bay Draft. Retrieved from†¦/iwi†¦/HealingOurSpiritsHealthStrategy.pdf Reid P., & Robson B. (2006). The State of Mà ori health. In: M Mulholland (ed). State of the Mà ori Nation: Twenty-First Century Issues in Aotearoa. Auckland, New Zealand: Reed Singleton, G. & Linton, C. (2006). Courageous Conversations about Race: a field guide for achieving equity in schools. Thousand Oaks, California: Corwin Press Theunissen, K. E. (2011). The nurse’s role in improving health disparities experienced by the indigenous Maori of New Zealand. Contemporary Nurse, 39(2), 281-286 Upton, S. (1992).Your Health and the Public Health: A Statement of Government Health Policy by the Hon Simon Upton, Minister of Health Wellington. Waikato District Health Board. (2012). Future Focus Section 5 Maori Health. Retrieved from World Health Organization. (2004). The World Health Report 2004. Retrieved from World Health Organization:
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